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Cinderella syndrome


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I forgot to mention that the people concerned need to be able and capable to have children otherwise I do not have the same view.


EDIT: I don't know how different Australia is but we are trying our very best to become a little America, cinderella syndrome included.


To the op, this may sound crude but try going on a couple of dates with someone as far removed from your version of prince charming as possible. I suspect a little perspective may be a big help.

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Thank you all for responses. I found them helpful. It kind of helps to look at this "issue" with a smile and come to some conclusion.


I agree that I have to "know the size of my foot" first to find good "slippers" (superb example!). And that's probably the very first thing that needs to be done in my case. Maybe that is the problem - I'm not looking because I don't know what to look for.


Yes, it's quite childish and near sighted thinking that somebody will just show up and sweep me off my feet with a "happily ever after" following. I wouldn't understand the logic of the person (if being an outsider) who wouldn't choose the equal to live his life with.




I have interviewed thousands of men in my career and I am here to tell you the very idea that a woman is looking for a man to save her scares the holy hell out of our male counterparts. Who wants that kind of pressure? No one wants to be responsible for "rescuing" another person or have the weight of their entire life happiness on their shoulders.


I was reading this and just caught mysef thinking that I wouldn't even come close to a person that needs this kind of "rescuing". It's like saying "I'm bored, come and entertain me, and you'll get ... nothing". I admit, that is childish. I guess I just have found why I "want" to be a "Cinderella".

If you are one, then life seems easier - no responsibilities, no suffering. The only thing you have to do is sit there and wonder "why is my prince so late?".


Right, I'm gonna work on this. Thank you all again!

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Why not take it one step further and test to see if life really IS any "easier - no responsibilities, no suffering" when you sit and wait for a prince?


I can't wait to see when you find out about all that you have been choosing to deny yourself, missing out on, while you've been twirling your hair.


Pretty cool to see Brenda on this post.

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I wonder how many men have Prince Valiant syndrome. LOL I am sure there are as many men on this earth hoping to find a Cinderella as there are women who are hoping to find a Prince. Truth is, neither are very realistic.


People all have quirks and thinking we will find someone who doesn't have any is a huge mistake.


We should rescue ourselves vs looking for a prince to do it for us. Once we are self reliant and can take care of ourselves then we can find a nice man to compliment our lives and we do the same for him.


Just remember a man should enhance and compliment your life, but not rescue you. You must rescue yourself.


There are actually quite a few guys out there looking to "save" someone. A lot of people also get caught up in saving someone when they are the "other person" in an affair. They often think they are "saving" their "soulmate" from an awful relationship. The whole Cinderella syndrome might amplify the affair, because they feel they are being rescued.



So here is a question: If you know a girl is susceptible to the Cinderella Syndrome, is it worth a chance to try to sweep her off her feet and rescue her, or is that taking advantage of the situation? Also, if you save someone like this, what is there to stop them from being swept away again?

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I'm not going to comment on the positions of women in our society because I firmly believe to get a proper picture we need to wait for the hardcore sexists and feminists to die or go out of fashion. Otherwise the views and stastics will always be unfairly biased.


but i will say who has better:




lower representation in the armed forces


suicide rate

performance in education

more comfortable less dangerous jobs


pay disparity is arguably in FAVOUR of women.


Why the cheap shot I never said anything about women, all I said was I think it is selfish for two people who are able and capable to have children to not have them. That includes men and women, it is a shared responsibility isn't it ? And as far as children are concerned men are the ones who are horribly discriminated against.


"IMO .. i think you should research woman's history and begin to realize how poorly we were treated as women and still are. . In the US ...women only got the right to vote in the late 20's early 30's. One of the "perks" of being a US citizen is the right to vote..and for over 100 years - women didn't have that right? Freedom for all? " Rightio... my parents weren't alive in the 20's my grandmother would have been about 16.

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