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A door closes

locking me in,

slams in my face

whats my sin?


The light goes out,

my body shakes in shock.

Whats gonna happen?

I hear the door lock.


The sounds of chains

fill my ears.

I'm so scared,

my eyes fill with tears.


A levitating light

appears in fron of me,

pushing me back,

won't set me free.


It emits a sound

so loud my ears bleed,

making me cry.

On my fear it feeds.


I run to the corner.

I try to hide.

I cover my ears.

I close my eyes.


I say to myself

that this is not happening,

i'll just open my eyes

and I will be laughing.


I open my eyes,

the light is still there.

I begin to cry.

Tt is just not fair


The light moves closer,

I begin to sweat.

The color begins to change,

is it a threat?


A body begins to form.

I get up and stand.

Now transparent,

it says "take my hand".


Scared, I take its hand,

it pulls me near.

It picks me up like a child

and says "have no fear".


Suddenly I am not scared.

All my worries have gone away.

Feeling strangely happy,

can death be this way.

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