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What are the chances we "make up" flirting?


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I've heard numerous times by different people, that we can literally imagine that someone is flirting with us in our heads.


My question is actually very common or no? It always seems like when I discuss stuff with people, they are always quick to jump to, the question if I am imaginging it. They also come up with quick answers like, they only looked at you because you looked at them, or you met eyes only because you looked at her, or even you only started a conversation with you to be friendly. It's almost like many people seem to think we imagine everything or something.


Do we as human actually imagine that people we like to things all the time, and many times it's not real?

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ha. i was just asking myself that a few weeks ago!!! well, i guess it is difficult to know. there are varying degrees of flirting - flirting "with intention" and flirting "without intention." For example, let's say that you are meeting with your accountant and they are flirting with you. Maybe they are just tired of looking at papers and numbers all day, and are happy to have a cute person to banter with, but not more than that, they aren't actually looking for a date. or maybe someone is flirting with you because they are hoping you will ask them out.


I think if you have a gut feeling that it is flirting, it probably is! some people are naturally more friendly and bubbly than others, so it is hard to know if they are friendly or flirting.

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I just always find it odd because, many times, girls will look at me, some will even stare, and they will do stuff, that just feels like it can't be anything else but flirting, but yet if I tell people what happened to me that day, some are not hesitant to act like I'm imaging it all and they never flirted.


Like there was this one girl one day, who was twirling her hair, glancing over at me once a while, when we talked seemed to have to listen to every word I said, always said goodbye to me if she good or see you in class, and even though I believe she had a boyfriend, I figured something had to be going on, because even though she is a happy person she doesn't seem to say goodbye like that to anyone else, and it doesn't feel like she's just looking in my direction to stare at the wall behind me LoL but some people told me, it wasn't flirting at all, I guess they must see it as coincidental behavior or just stupidity, LoL.

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i look at just about everyone. guys and girls. why? i dunno, maybe to see if i know them or for whatever reason. means nothing. some girl looks at me, does it mean she was checking me out? no. but as a species i think we size up everyone for whatever reason. whether it be to compare them to us, to view their style, etc. you should never let it go to your head and make fantasies. if you want to know, start asking people.

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