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Interval training and Straight through?

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Why is it said that interval training helps you lose weight better than doing something straight through.


Such as running a lap then walking a lap. As opposed to running two laps. Or swimming a lap then slowly backstroking a lap, or swimming two laps.


Apparently, for hours after you finish your interval workout your body is still burning calories. Does that not work if you are doing a workout(cardio) straight through? I am sort of confused. Maybe one of you health nuts can clear things up for me.

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Well, the point is that during the intervals you are pushing to near your maximum at an intensity you could not hold for a longer period of time. This allows your body/cardio to work in a broader range to improve fitness.


Intervals are really geared towards increasing strength, speed, power, and so forth....and the idea is to get heart rate up high, then bring it down a bit with the "easier" pace, then back up again.


You will still burn calories during and shortly after a moderate paced workout, but the intervals really boost the metabolism immediately and higher post workout.


I think over the same period of time too, the idea is that your workout will overall have been more intense.


But, intervals really should be at an intensity that you cannot, and should not, do them for EVERY workout. I need a couple days of easier workouts or cross training if I did my intervals correctly!



There is however a lot of debate over how many calories your body keeps burning AFTER a cardio workout...most of what I have seen is that while it does for a short while, it really is the muscle that is the key to keeping metabolism higher overall through the day. More muscle = higher metabolism. Cardio is good for overall health, heart health and yes, short term calorie burning, but you should not count on it to keep metabolism going higher ALL day, intervals or not.

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try to do a little research oh heart rate. iirc, the fat burn heart rate is below the cardio level. so, i think what you need to do is keep your heart rate in that fat burn zone for a prolonged period of time, if your main goal is to lose weight. but, improving your cardiovascular fitness will also help you to feel better. so, a little interval work won't hurt. try it, and see how you like it.

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try to do a little research oh heart rate. iirc, the fat burn heart rate is below the cardio level. so, i think what you need to do is keep your heart rate in that fat burn zone for a prolonged period of time, if your main goal is to lose weight. but, improving your cardiovascular fitness will also help you to feel better. so, a little interval work won't hurt. try it, and see how you like it.


Fat burn zones are a myth. Of course there is a level where a relatively large amount of calories are burnt compared to intensity of your training. But the harder you work, the more calories you will burn.


It is really that simple.

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