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Whats up with this....?


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I am diving back into the dating scene and am curious for opinions on the following. Over the past week I got 3 girls numbers. I have called tow of the girls and left them messages to call back. One girl was last wednesday and the other girl was just yesterday. I am pretty sure these girls were drunk when they gave me their numbers but they definitely seemed into me and like they wanted to hang out at the time. Both of the girls also said they were single. I am just wondering do you think the only reason they gave the digits was cause they were just being nice or maybe just drunk. Should I try them again later or maybe just shoot a text message. I really hate texting but I feel like it would be less awkward if they really want nothing to do with me. Any opinions would be great.

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I just havent called the third girl yet she was just out of a long term relationship and I dont really want a rebound. Each time we talked and flirted and talked about going out and I asked for their numbers. I think from now on I am just not going to leave messages Id rather get shot down by them hahaha. I am confused on whether I should try again in a few days or would that look creepy?

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I just havent called the third girl yet she was just out of a long term relationship and I dont really want a rebound. Each time we talked and flirted and talked about going out and I asked for their numbers. I think from now on I am just not going to leave messages Id rather get shot down by them hahaha.


What are you looking for a girlfriend or just some women to hang out with?


Leaving a message is the better option as a woman who does want to talk to you will call back and one who doesnt will never pick up the phone.

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Right now just someone to hang out with then maybe a girlfriend. I am going into things with no expectations really. Yes that is true but some girls like to be chased but you would think a girl who wanted to hang out would call back.


Knowing this what would be the problem with getting involved with the rebound chick especially if you have no expectations?

Also, drunk girls are worthless when it comes to calling they dont remember you and all they do remember is you are some guy that has a thing for drunk girls.

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