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CALLING ALL WOMEN: Stop playing with men's minds!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Women would you please stop playing with men's minds.


This is a driect request to stop overlooking the nice guys who care and are sincere aswell as genuine.


Would you also please stop going for the useless "Badboy" that is never going to pay you the respect you really deserve.


Please also stop flirting with a man and then telling him "We're just friends". Why must you do this?????


definitely stop using men for free drinks (and don't have the poor bloke beaten up when he reminds you of it next time he see's you).


Do not get encouraged by a man and then back off because of some stupid thing like Age. You expect us men to like you younger women so why can we men not expect you to like us younger men? - Lets be fair on this at least!!


With each phone call please do not swap from keen on romance to "Just friends". This confuses us men and then you wonder why you get users instead of decent men.


IF you like someone do not just make eye contact with the man why not smile? - You look at us and it can make us feel like you do not like us because there is no smile. If your going to make eye contact at least smile


Don't encourage men and then keep your distance from them. If you are not interested then don't bloody flirt with us.




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sounds like you have some inner anger towards women...men do stupid things too...I agree about the bad boy thing...but we usually learn....If you keep being good to women a great one will come along that likes you for you I am happy you got your anger out because I have read some of your posts and it is always about you not liking women or whatever and I was gonna reply to that. We think men are nuts tooo you know!! Well nice talking to ya

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sounds like you have some inner anger towards women...men do stupid things too...I agree about the bad boy thing...but we usually learn....If you keep being good to women a great one will come along that likes you for you I am happy you got your anger out because I have read some of your posts and it is always about you not liking women or whatever and I was gonna reply to that. We think men are nuts tooo you know!! Well nice talking to ya




I don't dislike women. Women are beautiful creatures who are supposedly man's best friend (like a dog - but then wait a know a few women that fit into that category too).


I have no problem with women just their attitude. You know how many times I've been led on a merry goose chase? - Been flirted with only to have the "You ain't my type" shit thrown back in my face? - I've had it a lot - infact with every woman I've ever liked.


I'm supposed to be meeting another one today except she can't actually remember me. When I get there I will get the same treatment again and it's practically 110% guaranteed.


It's so easy to see how she will react I might go to the bookmakers and at least put a bet on her rejecting me - might aswell make some cash out of it eh?



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women are simply more mentaly active


What? Where does this comes from? I've never ever read or heard anything about women being more crebral than men.. Could you give further information on that? This would come like such a revelation to me if it were true!




C'mon Turboz, you can't start saying all the women are one way and all that, wouldn't that make things too simple? And to be fair, men do do exactly the same thing. Everyone tries to be happy in some way or another. I believe that anyone flirts sometimes to be reassured about his/her looks or wether ``they've still got it``. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that it comes from both sides, both men and women.


As far as girls being attracted to bad boys, this one still puzzles me. The way I see it, most girls aren't necessarily attracted to bad boys, more like they're attracted to confident ones. Bad boys=confidence, or at least seems to be this way. I've asked a few girls about this one and their answer vary quite a lot. One of my friend explained to me that older, more mature women were more attracted to men who are nice to them whereas younger women were more attracted to the rebel kind of guy. This is not a rule of thumb of course. I've also talked to some other women who said they liked men with valors, virtues or whatever they like to call it.


I believe it's the thrill, the danger, the exitement that comes with being a so-called rebel. Problem is, the rebel attitude magically wears off after a while (or so I've heard). Take the same concept for women, the femme fatale. The way they act so independently and know what they want and are centered on what they want makes me (and a lot of other people too) want them even though it hurts me sometimes.


Also, a friend of mine said a lot of women liked a challenge, it musn't be too easy. I know, it might sound strange, but that's just the way it is.


All this said and done, to all the women out there, am I getting this right?




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From coming from female. i think u are correct on some things but gosh lets say Men MUST STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH US FEMALES!!! How many guyz cry over girls?? I know females crys over men all the time. Some of us are even learning men are on this earth to make us more worry or other word is horrible. Ya they do pleasure in some ways but some of them dont know how. I agree with ya about the bad boy thing they arent no good for us. But we will learn. I think both sex needs to stop messing with each other minds...

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Hi Everyone !


It never ceases to amaze me the amount of times this comes up !!


I suggest that anyone who hasn't read the article from Pook regarding the "Nice Guy v's Jerk", should do so [link removed ! I believe this to be the bible document on this question as well as one of the most entertaining reads I've seen


Enjoy !!

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Hmm I agree in a relationship the balance has to be equal, its like you can be a nice person but it should not affect your ego or your selfesteem to such a extent that you become a door mat , which is a total turn off because then you cant respect the other person and his viewpoint .


While you don’t have to be a jerk , but strong in your viewpoints willing to bend them but not break them , when we can take our relationship like a addition to our life an important part but not our whole life that is when we find the right balance .


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Hi Guys !


We are getting into a discussion about the way a partner would act ! This is not the way you would act when trying to persue a girl, and this is exactly Turboz point. What a woman wants, is indeed the normal guy who isn't a doormat. However, she does not want the jerk that many many women do end up getting because the initial attraction of a woman is focused on the jerks of the world. The nice guy can not get to be in the relationship in the first place so he can not be the guy that he is that the girl wants. The problem is the way women pick their men.


Also, as I've said many times on the forum here, most of the girls on this forum are an exception to this rule, because eNotalone has an unusually high concentration of nice people who are not afraid of emotions and the things that really matter.


So in conclusion, being in a relationship is not really a problem - heck many people will let a relationship go way downhill before it splits up, because once you are with someone, and the barriers are down, you find it's not really that hard to be with the person at all. It's getting together that is the problem and the way we get together in this modern society that poses the problems to us all !

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You're a doll!!


I don't think you'd have any problem with women. I'm 49 divorced and I'll tell you, I still don't get the men thing either. I'm dating a guy 42!

Yummy, yes he is....But this is what I'm dealing with..


He calls every day for over a week. You see each other, he says you're beautiful, you talk to him now every day, but not as long, he tells you, he wants you in his life forever, he wants to marry you, blah, blah, blah...


He says "Call me tonight", I call, I get his recorder. He calls later, says blah, blah, blah took kids to hospital, kids sick, I'm sick, blah blah blah..lol


He says I'll call you tonight, I'll come over tonight but doesn't call or show up. Then calls the next day and says, I was tired, took the other kid to hospital. This has been going on for a month now. I never realized how patient I was..LOL


He still says he wants you in his life, now he loves you. He still needs time to tell the kids about you.. blah, blah, blah...You guys make us crazy just as much.

I wish no one would play games, but it seems everyone does. It would be bloody nice if people didn't play mind games, cause I'll tell you, it's a pain in the bum.


Common courtesy would be appreciated by all parties. I told one man, how would you like it if someone did this to your daughter or son??


Everyone needs to take a step back, if you don't like the person, then don't lead them on or use them for drinks, money, sex!!!


If you like the guy or girl, then "Yes, SMILE! Tilt you head a little and look at them and smile!

But PLEASE DON'T USE ANYONE, because, remember, what goes around, comes around!!!


Take care.



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I know females crys over men all the time. Some of us are even learning men are on this earth to make us more worry or other word is horrible. ...


Females should....they're more sensitive and brought up knowing that they can be dependent and show their feelings...Guys can't, we're brought up being taught how we should stand up 4 ourselves and fight etc etc.


Happy Heb

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Females should....they're more sensitive and brought up knowing that they can be dependent and show their feelings...Guys can't, we're brought up being taught how we should stand up 4 ourselves and fight etc etc.


For god sake's, please enough with stereotypes Girls like pink and guys like blue. Gilrs become secretaries and men work in steel mills. Ah c'mon.that's outdated now. Generalities and stereotypes, who needs them. The way I see it, it's just an oversimplification of everything, the intellectual laziness to the extreme. «Oh girls are like this and men are like that», certitudes drives men (and women) blind. Earlier in this thread I've read that girls were more cerebral!! How could anyone make such a statement? Am I the only one who thinks like this, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How was it ever proven that women were more cerebral?


I myself know A LOT of perfectly normal (well they're probably anormal according to stereotypes) men who cried quite a lot when their girlfriend left them. I do admit women a generally (biologically) more sensitive though. I do believe men and women are different, but this seems to lead to some extremist absurd generalisation.


I can understand how most people used to think like this a while ago, when the majority of women stayed home and took care of the house or occupied some specific, not well paid jobs, but we're in the 21st century now, wake up people, the future lies in the freedom to be, not in the too-easy stereotypes.


Yes, it's like they say, can't live with them, can't live without em..
and that's from both sides, women and men. I think what we should keep in mind, is that although differences between sexes do exist, we're both human beings at the roots. And so, manipulation isn't appreciated by both genders, just like love is appreciated by both sides.


If you like the guy or girl, then "Yes, SMILE! Tilt you head a little and look at them and smile!

But PLEASE DON'T USE ANYONE, because, remember, what goes around, comes around!!!


Right on!


What a woman wants, is indeed the normal guy who isn't a doormat. However, she does not want the jerk that many many women do end up getting because the initial attraction of a woman is focused on the jerks of the world. The nice guy can not get to be in the relationship in the first place so he can not be the guy that he is that the girl wants. The problem is the way women pick their men.


Isn't that EXACTLY what a man wants? Who likes a doormat? Nobody. You know what, if dogs were intelligent enough to be caught in the whole romance deal, they probably would go out with doormat kind of dogs. Why do we humans need so much to establish differences on sex? Isn't there any other way to define one's self, to know one's self, than adapt to a so-called generaly admitted behaviour just to feel some kind of belonging? I think most people, over the course of their lives will develop some typically feminine and masculine behaviours, as there are some differences between men and women, but it's up to everyone of us identify how we are different from the other sex, as we're all different.


Maybe this sounds confusing or that I'm contradicting myself, but what I'm trying to say is that although we are different, we're not THAT different as some kind of ideology seems to say. I've personnaly have had it with people coming up and say: well men are like this and women are like that. Why don't they limit themselves to say: I'm like this. Shouldn't that be enough? Most of us will have trouble knowing ourselves and will learn to do so throughout all of our life up to our death. And if we lived for 300 years, we would probably still learn about ourselves by the time we die. My point his, If we've got trouble knowing ourselves, we certainly have trouble truly knowing others, so how can we logically make assumptions about how all the men and women are like? Wouldn't that be pretentious, even ignorant to some extent?


I believe the next step in evolution lies within the spiritual man (this is based on Werber's theory of evolution). I believe the man and the woman will free themselves of prexistent, pre-constructed not-so generally accepted pattern of personnality and pre-set ideas and will learn to become someone unique throughout theit own interpretention of the world, who will decide wether or not he accepts to be who he wants to be instead of blindly integrating how he should be accordig to some external source. Because. come to think of it, how can we evolve to something greater, if we are stuck with the same concepts that our parents, and our parents, parents set in place? If this remains the same, so will our children and our children's children.


That's the challenge part, we all want a definite personality to agree with, disagree with, and a person who isn't afraid of giving an honest answer, advice, or opinion, even if it conflicts with our own.


I think this sums it up pretty well. I say it's important to broaden one's horizon and stop blaming others (same sex or not) for something we all do at some point or another. We are not perfect and thus cannot expect others to be, can we?


I won't say I'm sorry for the long post, if it doesn't interest you, don't read it. Long live freedom of speech.



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Long post was fine. I like to read...lol I agree, let's just be people and stop playing the mind games...PERIOD.

I think most of us were raised right, to respect people, elders, etc. It just amazes me however that people, men and women can still be so insensitive to others. I'm honest, and up front. I tell it like I feel or see it most of the time.


Yes, it hurts me sometimes and I feel bad saying some things. At times I won't say something either if it's going to realllllllly hurt someone.


However, when it comes to dating, relationships. Don't play freaking games.


If you say you're going to call.......THEN CALL..

If you don't like the person and you've got no intention of calling them. Then just say...

"It was very nice to finally meet you, good luck in the dating world"


If they say "Do you want to do it again?" Just say, "You know, I had a great time with you and all, but I'm not quite sure you're my type" Or if you can't be that bold, just say. "I'm actually getting back with my boyfriend/girlfriend or I'm going to be a priest/nun" LOL


Just don't lie and tell the other person you'll call when you KNOW you have no intentions of it. [-(


I've also heard about the 3 day waiting period to call him/her. Give me a break, if you had fun. Then by all means, call the other person and say. "I had a great time, would you like to meet for coffee again?" or whatever.



To many rules, egos. games for me. At 49 you appreciate all the time you've got left on this earth. You sit and think, "Dang, I've almost lived 1/2 of my life already..


So,why spend it playing games when you can be having fun, laughing and enjoying the world and what God gave us to enjoy!!

Dance to the different drum, then take someone you enjoy to dance along with you also..



Have a super day



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I never realised that you lived in the U.k.

Have you been single for a while now?And do you find most British/English girls to be Shallow/Arrogant?

I do.......And i know that eventualy the'll want me.....for reasons i cant be assed going into....but i wont want them back.....they had there chance,thats the way is see it.

Still Turboz....The picture of you is is kinda cheesy....stop trying to look like a film star auditiioning for the latest Mission Inpossible movie,act nice and honest,and you never know...you might just pull!!!!

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