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thinking of the past!


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When life's completely turned over

and lifes lessons is more than just one

when it's all games

and no longer fun


when you are

so helpless and alone there

when its not what you want

and it never ends up fair


why cant i change it

i hate thinking of the past

and asking questions

like 'whyd it go by so fast'


where my hearts been

and will never again go

how i dont want to feel

i will never drop so low


my minds racing

but i cant think

when the bombs gonna drop

and my heart will slowly sink


Where my hearts eaten

and swallowed by prde

When i will no longer fight

the me on the inside


When i think to stay away

and my heart feels the same

i want to fight

this feeling i dont claim


What do i do

for the rest of my being

i wanna look away

but i cant stop seeing!!

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