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WhAt It MeAnS WheN A FrEN SaYs This?

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i Copy This Straight from What I chat with her on MSN... I meet up with her the next day to talk abt us And she says da same things as in the chat also... no difference...


My Fren treated u as my good fr n i'm not fully prepared to having a new bg rltship yet, I Am too Shock To Say ANything else....

Me also actually not prepared , but i like u, i like u but i think i don wants any relationship.... my heart say want, my brain say " don be stupid k?" so I donno ler... then my frens say i don need to be scared to go to another relationship alrady, and let's past be the past.... i actually just wanna found out more abt u as a fren first but i mean start to date to see how it goes not like... I don really wants u to be my gf now

My fren u no need 2 care abt wt ur fr say..... if u dun want 2 start a new rlship, is ok... y u so obedient

ME lah.... i try not to follow them lorz... MY motto now is actually "No WoMeN No Cry".... but sometime i just can't seems to control my feelings... it seems like i sld go back to my old ways lorz... But u just can't stop ur self from liking some1....

My Fren u know.....i'm not prepare 2 start a new rlship yet......

some more my family's things( Her DaD died 3 weeks ago), gave me a lot pressure n sch work also....... n i really shock when i receive ur 1st msg, i tot is a joking forwarded msg only....

Me not forwarded lorz... kk don wanna pressure u so much ... like i said, i also not ready for another relationship also.... Just wait and see how it goes... If u don really want anything i guess i just need to move on... spend everyday with my sec sch frens and don ever think abt BGR anymore... Actually if u asked me to wait, I'll wait.... i not that desperate to have any GF....

My Fren it, that not forwarded msg.... wah... Ur Poem is soo gd so i taught it is a forwarded msg... is my problem now.... the 1st thing is i never think on abt it b4 (unprepare) then now 2nd yr, very tough, feel like concentration on my studies & moreover i hvn't adjust my feeling yet as my father's death... i can't so selfish that to ask u to wait...... n whos know the future things,

maybe few mth later, u no long hv crush wif me, right.... it may be happen...

ME worry ler, i liked u from 1st day of sch when u still having that long hair of ur's and still do.... i think if u don wan it now, it also good for me cos i need to be happy and enjoy myself also after just broking up.... altough i am after gretel already, i still feeling hurt abt wanna go to another relationship, just that my feeling towards u is too stong for me not to say it out to u.....

My Fren is better 2 relax n enjoy ur life after the broke up...... single life is better... 4 me, now.... anyway i still consider u as a gd fr lol....i never hv a thought 2 hv BGR now.... so is not ur problem , juz i'm not prepared now....




Any Ideas Where We Are Heading to? Is THis Just Some InfaMOus ReJecTiOn LineS? Sld I MoVe On oR WaIt And try To SpeNd MoRe TiMe WiTh HEr???

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IF you can be friends, be friends - but I say move on.

I'm going through the same similar thing - with a woman who has been leading me on for a year now - and even when we met, she had a boyfriend but showed interest in me - now she is single (5 months) and i have heard it all - that she needs time, not ready, just wants to be friends for now, just wants to be single, doesn't want ot be with anybody.


I firmly believe that if it's the right person - there is nothign that will stand in the way of two people being together. IT doesn't have to be all serious right fromt he start - but for some reason some women just beat around the bush.


A different guy might coome along next week and bang, all of a sudden now she's ready to have a relationship. I've seen it happen before, and I can see it happening now to me (and to you).


Be careful, buddy - it sounds like you're setting yourself up for somethign that will never happen. My advice (which I have to take myself) is to move on.

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I Will Move On Dude.... I in fact i don even wan any gf now... i am happy with the way i am... i think i sld be contented that she treat me the better than other guys.... I will give a try to any girl that come my way, provided i must like her also... I onli will re-consider abt her if she really likes me and tell me that she wants more than being frens... this kinda things u can't be pushy... i been in this situations many times... i failed in first 2 attempts where i kept persuing that person, then they can't treasure me until i'm gone.... the 3rd 1 i just keep my cool and let her chase me.... looks like reverse phycology is better for girls... but if they don go after u forget it.... at least u've tried and become much wiser... I won get emotional again abt a girl.... frankly after having many Gfs and being hurt so many times, it's harder to like/love some1 fully.... but u'll be much wiser.... As for now i just be frens with her.... and as far as i noe, there will never be best-frens between a girl and a guy.... just like if ur bf/gf say they have a very close fren from opp sex, if u think u wanna share ur bf/gf.... let them be much more closer and see what's happen.... THIS IS LIFE

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