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ok heres the sitch,


i just broke up with me GF (we've been going out for about 2 weeks) and now i want her back real bad but theres 2 other girls i want as well. My ex GF's name is Tiarna and the 2 other chicks i like are sisters called Alysa and Nikita. Nikita and Alysa are both friends with Tiarna and i have gone out with both of them in the past. Tiarana is 14, ALysa is 14 and Nikita is 12. I'm 15.


Tiarna broke up with me because she didn't have the same feelings 4 me as i had 4 her but i dont know.


Alysa just broke up with her BF because he cheated on her with another girl but she still has feelings 4 him but she also has feelings 4 me. I now that because she told me she did a couple of days after i started going out with Tiarna and before she broke up with David.


Nikita just broke up with her BF as well. She broke up with him because he was pushing her 2 do things she didn't want 2 do 2 fast but i'd never do that.


Tiarna also has gone out with Alysa and Nikita's brother Jacob. Jacob is also my friend.


I need help, which one should i go after. I'm so confused. I'm not on the rebound because i've had feelings for Alysa for 5 years and feelings for Nikita about 1 but i've only had feelings for Tiarna about a month so i dont know. i Just need some guidence.

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I'd personally stay away from all of them. Since they are all friends, it seems you are asking for trouble. Don't you think the one you choose to be with will have trouble believing you really like her, and not her sister, or good friend.


If you can't walk away, just try being friends with all of them. None of them, seem stable enough to be in a relationship.


Also, as you seem to like all of them, do you trust yourself enough to know you will be able to settle down with one of them and no longer have feelings for the other girls?


Ask yourself, do you really like her? Or is it just a feeling you have?


If your 15, your probably still in middle school, so wait until high school and find someone you really care about.


I say this because in middle school, I thought I like three different girls. After graduating, I decided they were all fantasies, and feelings created because there was no one who was really the right person.


Take some time and decide what you really want/

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