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shud i ask her out? im confused


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ok, im not sure this girl likes me or not, and im not sure if i shud ask her out. heres wats happened so far. since school started, she used to sit at a table in front of me. but there was another bitchy-annoying girl at that table so she decided to move to my table (each table has 4 ppl) now, when she moves, she sits rite beside me. over the past week, weve been having nice conversations. we were partners in this one project, and we were supposed to meet at lunch to revise. she had no lunch, and insted of going to the caf i asked her if she wanted to go to timhortons (canada's stabucks) which was down the street. neways, she agreed, we went , talked had a good time, it wasent a date or anything. we didnt revise but passed the project with flying colours. another sign, (i duno if it is a sign, im bad at these things) her email was: (her name)luvs(a guy she used to like)@link removed and she says to me, that shes gona change her email cuz shes bored of that guy. so now im not sure and confused... shud i go ahead and ask her out? help plz

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Hey gr8 u did well on your project show s u guys jell together.


Don’t ask her out like directly , just get involved in similar activities and keep giving her subtle hints that you like her , things like I really enjoy your company and that you have so many gr8 ideas (appreciate her intelligence) or stuff like if u work on a problem say wow I would have never seen it from that point of view … see how she reacts ..if she gives you similar compliments then the next stage


Try this out and then post back what happened or pm me


Good luck

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