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What AM i Heading to? Just can't figure it out

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I noe and liked this girl for 1.3 year already. I do have a Gf in between. I just told her my feelings to her. She said she just to shock to say anything. She say she have not thing abt having a BGR for so long already and this comes as a shocker. her last relationship is 3 yeas ago. she also said that her Father death is still making her feelings unstable. her father died 3 weeks ago. We seems to be able to get along very well. After noeing this, she did act differenly in sch ( which she deny when i ask her ). But i wan to meet her to talk abt this, we talk so engrossedly as normal. She asked why i decided to tell me after 1.3 year? i said i think and told myself it's either now or never. She said she don wan any relationships now but donno what da future may brings. when i ask her so she wants me to wait for her? she reply, it will be so selfish of her to do that and maybe i won like her already after months later. i say i will still like her and just wait and see what happens next? she still confused now or what? don have any gd way to reject me? when parting i tell her just come to me and say hi and talk in sch as per normal. she reply "no problem, next time can meet her outside and talk also like i did today". I reply "maybe? see first if got da opportunity then maybe"

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i once liked a guy who liked me too. we hung out a lot & he was telling my friends & his friends that he was going to ask me out on a certain day. well, that day came & instead he started avoiding me. i was confused so i made a friend call him & ask what was going on. he told her that his dad just left his mom & that he was really stressed out. he started avoiding me because he didn't want to lead me on because he decided he was too stressed for a gf & it wouldn't be fair to me. your friend just lost her dad & she is probably still suffering from that. she is probably confused about her feelings right now. it is right that making you wait for her would be selfish, but if you still want to you can. i would say to just give her some time & help her through her loss.

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She like you bro, but she's going through a lot. Just give her time and be there for her whenever you can. I can't say that is't a good idea to wate for her becouse there aren't any garonties, but you sound like the kind of guy that would drop everything and everyone to be with her once she was ready, so I can't say that you should date looking for just one right now. I would find some people and go out just on cashual dates, and if things don't work out with the girl you have your eyes on now, or if you find someone that you wouldn't leave if this girl is ready than you get the best of bot worlds. Just don't lead anyone on that you're only with them until you actualy are. I'm not usualy one to say you can have you cake and eat it to, but in this case you don't have any comitments and she dosn't have any right to expect you to wate. It's all up to you though.

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