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Thoughts about university - living at home

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Hi all. In school its time to be thinking about university applications. My situation is thus: according to the training schools, to get my career [airline pilot] I need a degree in a "technical subject", and I've been told Computer Science will do fine. However to live away from home at university would cost my family a small fortune, and my father has given me a deal - If I come out of university with no debt, he will loan me the sixty thousand I need to take the training course after I graduate. We're not short of money, my father just sees spending on university fees a waste of money rather than "investing in my career".


Now everyone else in school is looking forwards to leaving home and gaining their independence, and I just feel... left out. I was talking it over with my girlfriend today - and I'm trying to not to think that I probably will not see her in a years time - and she's very understanding, but I still feel like I'll be missing out on a huge amount of life by going to a local Welsh uni and living at home. My brother is graduating from our local at the end of this month with no debt, so he proves it can be done, but he wasn't exactly in raptures about it.


Everyone has told me it will be worth my while in the end, but the whole thing just seems so unrealistic. I've already got glider pilot wings so sure, it could happen, but in a way I just feel like I'm aiming too high, and I'm going to get swatted for it.


Either way we can't - rather won't - afford me to live away, so its not really a choice.



Any thoughts on this? Either way, thank you for reading.

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I don't see what the big deal is. You'll move out eventually, its not like you are living with your parents your whole life (hell my uncle lived with my grandparents till he was like 35).


I commute to my university because room and board is 10k+ year and I live in the city so there was really no point. After I graduate and have a job I'll move out.


Yeah, it would be more fun to live alone I guess but if thats your financial situation I don't see the point in worrying over it.

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ive just finished uni and i lived at home through it. It didnt do me any harm at all. In fact i was a lot better off come third year when we had a huge dissertation ad major exams to do and i could concentrate on that rather than food shopping, washing and ironing (thanks mom!) and my friends who lived in student houses had to put up with noise and people dragging them out partying when they should of be researching/revising...


...you'll only miss out if you let yourself miss out. You will meet people who are living in student accommodation and you can always stay round theres at weekends and when you finish lectures instead of heading home head to the student union or something. Then you will keep up with everyone but have the home comforts and support of your parents (and less debt at the end)..... good luck with uni...and get the socialising and partying out of the way in your first year....be prepared for no social life in your 3rd year anyway if you want a good degree class

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