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Taking a break


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I have been dating this woman for a couple months now. Everything has been going very well. Our time together is limited (1-2 times per week), as we both have jobs, our own kids, and she just resumed classes as well. A week ago Thursday, I went to her house, as I have been every week, since neither of us have kids on Thursday nights. One of her friends called with car trouble, and asked her to help. And she did so, and it wasn't a big deal at all. I would have done the same thing. She told me she would call when she was done, and we would go do something. Well, she never called, and I got worried that something happened and called her. No answer. Same thing the next day, and the next day. On Saturday, I get en email saying she was sorry for being MIA and she just needed some think about things, and needed to take a breather for a "minute". Also stating that she is somewhere in the middle of wanting a relationship and not wanting one. Then went on saying that all she does is think about me, and when we can be together/talk to each other, then went on to say that she still cares about me, likes me, being with me. I know she cares about me, because her friends have told me how she feels about me. And they all say that she has never been the way she is with me with anyone before (through actions, words). I have never been in a relationship before where the other person wanted to take a break, so I'm conflicted here. To me, I am getting 2 different signals here. So.......am I just reading too much into this, or should I be concerned? Any help is appreciated, and how long is too long before I should try and contact her?

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Disappear. Her interest level in you is falling or there is someone else. There is no excuse for the lack of respect she showed you by going semi NC when nothing was wrong. That's called "flaking" and it is a sign of bad things to come.


Ive recently been cheated on, so take this with a grain of salt, but the not calling or returning calls after the friend's "car problems" is awfully fishy also.

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Welcome to enotalone - I would back off and give her some space. maybe not disappear and block her forever, but definitely back off and become more mysterious about your comings and goings. scale back your contact with her and see what happens. does she let you slip away, or does it make her contact you more?


when someone says they need "space", I recommend giving them 3 times the space they asked for.


good luck.

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Well, I sent her a very brief message on Thursday. Hope all is well, i miss you, I'm here. Only a couple of sentences. She called Friday and we talked for 30 minutes as if nothing has happened. She called me today before she took a test for about 20 minutes, and after her test to tell me how she did. Should I drop this whole situation, or should I talk to her about it and find out what the deal really is?

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