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i feel like im being run in a circle

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Alright this will be my last and probally final post on this forum i just wanted to get this off my chest, its been bothering me for like several days now.


Tuesday was our first day back from winter break, i and some of my buddys decided to not go to school. The next day i returned to school and one of my friends was like the girl i like was looking for me the whole day. And in class shes was like i miss him where is he, my friend was joking with her and told her i was not coming back and he said that she looked like she was about to cry. The he was like i asked her if she really loved u that much and she said "of course i love him"


So i came into to class 2nd period and she walked in and she like jumped on me and she screamed my name and was like oh my god i missed u and she grab me by the neck as i was sitting in my chair and hugged me tight.


But here is the catch the rest of the class and of that day she never talked to me after that she would walk by and run her hands through my hair.

what does this mean ? any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't think that anyone will be able to answer that question, but her! My advice is to find this girl and ask her what's going on. Obviously you are in the picture with her OR she is just been joking with you. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to find out anyways what she's up to. But only she knows.


Little side advice: looks like she is playing mindgames, too, IF she is really serious about you. May be she blew your mind on purpose? Are you ready for more of that? I hope she isn't like that, but think twice.


Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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Ask her about it. If shes anything like the girl i fancy, she will make up a load of stuff and say she didn't do it, cause she is shy. Hopefully thaugh, she isn't shy, and will tell you she cared. Ask her why she cared in a friendly tone, and basically develop it. Thats what i would do i guess...

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