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Saw her again.. and things.. hmm

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So I dated this girl for 1 year. We were crazy... kind of in love, but mostly infatuation. Well she's a compulsive liar and a one upper. Well I agreed to say hi after 4 years of not talking, and thus saw her today. Got lunch, conversation was messed up... pretty much her being pompous. Well then she started what I'd consider "bowing down"... almost like apologizing. I mean she stepped back and started to actually be... actually honest and have some heartfelt thoughts (which I thought she never had).


So lunch turned into a day of just talking and shooting the ****. She started turning into a more normal person (still a lying *****). Then I agreed to sleep with her. She's hot... I mean what can I say... she is one of the hottest girls I've ever hooked up with... so I gave in. But I didn't sleep with her yet, I agreed that I would if I had time (awkward conversation huh?). I mean it'd be fun, she is good and all.. but I don't know if it's going to mess with my head. I'm completely over it, but I don't want her calling me constantly.


So if I talk to her and make sure its purely just for fun and not to think anything of it and she agrees... think it'd be fun? or will I start a future of hell?


If it turns to hell it doesn't matter too much as we live in two different places in the world now. I could easily get away with never seeing/talking to her again... in case she becomes psycho again. Btw, she was the one to initiate the "hey we should hook up". So its in my court... thoughts?


(I'm betting most will say don't... but remember she is consenting, she is looking for fun, and if anything bad turned out it'd be easy for us to get over it).

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Ya, seems like you know what's best, but are willing to risk it.


I mean, anything could happen. If it was me, I wouldn't do it...I've had sex with ex's 'just for fun, no strings attached' and i can't tell you one time it didn't blow up in my face...whether it be me refusing to let go of his bed post when he tried to make me leave, or my ex threatening to reveal sex tapes if i didn't get back together with him...lol. actually, it makes for good stories now

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Alright! Awesome haha. The advice I was hoping for.


But I agree, it could be weird and I'm sure people have had reverse type stories... understandable. I guess it'll be good experience at the same time. I just hope she hasn't picked up an STD... she is kind of... a curious girl I guess you could say. Anywho I'm using protection anyway.


Its gonna be funny cuz I was the one who took her virginity all those years ago. And she mine.


And this will be a story to tell.

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