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I sometimes think I'm going insane...

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This is going to sound a total fake post, but bear with me.


Lately, I have been getting picked on at school more than usual. I have always been picked on since I was very young, but over the past year or so, it has gotten much worse. And each time I get upset about it. But, I begin to think of it like this. I believe in God. He's out there. I am certain of it. And the reason he is doing this is to strengthen me. I believe that one day, God wants me to do something great, but before I can do it, I must be strong, and that is why it is happening.


Other times I think to myself, when people are watching me, when something happens to me, I think its a T.V show. Kinda like The Truman Show. All of this. For example, I get a girlfriend, she makes me think she loves me, then lets me down. And I fall. Seriously, my life feels like I am being set up each time, and being brought down for someones entertainment.


Please dont laugh at me.



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You will soon figure out that other people don't even matter. High school (I am assuming) is hard- it's NOT the best time of your life as most would have you believe- not for most people anyway. It's a time of trying to find yourself while your peers are right there, watching and judging your every move. Once you get a little older, though, you will be able to broaden your horizens and meet tons of new people, some who are more accepting and others who are not. I am glad that you have a belief in God to rely on because that will give you strength.


Keep on being strong and try to ignore these people. You are better than they are and they will get bored and leave you alone- especially when you keep ignoring them. Hang in there sweetie!!!


Good luck!

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you know things like that is everyday stuff some kids are just not race with morals and value for others feelings....i dont think u r crazy at all an yes maybe god is making u go tru these test but u keep doing what u doing....u will grow up to be a very sucessfull man and all those that made fun of u would be @$%# u always be a leader not a follower ; ) god have a great plan ahead for u ; )just hang in there

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