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Posts posted by B_C_R

  1. I've been dating this girl Monica for about a month and a half now and I really like her. We started off spending 2-3 days a week (tops) together and dating etc. Now we've grown to spending almost everyday together. She tells me that she likes me and whenever we can't see each other she ends up admitting that she misses me. Now here comes the snag... she broke up with her b/f about a week before we started dating and obviously she still has some baggage (it wasn't a nice clean breakup). So she doesn't want a serious relationship right now. This is understandable and i even know that she was dating some other guys when she started dating me...hell...i was dating 3 girls when i started dating her. But now i feel that I want something more serious with her. I have since broke it off with 2 of the other girls on my own. Then I let it slip out that I was dating this other girl named Cammie and Monica basically flipped out on me. She constantly brought it up and made it seem like i was doing something wrong by dating Cammie even though SHE is dating like 2 other guys herself! Well I got sick of hearing her always bring it up and seeing her upset by this so i ended it with Cammie.


    This has been about a week ago and she still talks to these other guys on occasion. So i brought up this fact in a calm way and she just said that it's nothing like what I think it is. I don't even really know what that means and she didn't explain herself any further. So here's my question: Should I be angry by this? Is this double-standard on dating others exceptable for her but not for me? Should I let my feelings for Monica cool down and start dating others? Or should I just not bring it up and continue with what i'm doing so far?



  2. #1- foreplay is a man's best friend. It is time consuming and maybe a little tiresome but don't be lazy and do all the necking and rubbing and intense kissing etc.


    #2- find the clit. If you don't know where it is and you are to ashamed to ask then look it up in a book or online or SOMETHING.


    #3- alternate with your tongue. do circles with your tongue, lick the length of the clit, lick side to side etc. DO NOT do this fast though, spend some time on each until you find out what she likes. Then tuck that away.


    now for some tips on using your fingers.


    #1- once you find the kind of things that she likes, use your left or right finger (depends on which is more comfortable for you) to rub the part of the clit above the "hood" (for lack of a better word). It's a semi-hard part right above the exposed part of the clit. rub this left and right (A little secret that most men don't know).


    #2- once you have that down, then slid a finger or two (or 3 or your fist) depending on what is good for her.


    #3- with those fingers that are inside her find the g-spot. If you don't know where it is then don't be afraid to ask because it varies from girl to girl. the area of interest in only about 2-3 inches deep and up -if she was on her back it would be up towards the ceiling-. Search around that area while doing this and keep looking.


    Now if you can accomplish all of this and i know you can. You will be able to give any girl the big O. After some practice you can not only give them the big O but you can give them multiple O's and then all of her friends will know and you will become the oral sex god in her little cliche.


    good luck and remember, if you do it right, you'll need a towel.

  3. First off i want to say that I don'y have a problem with ending relationships. However, it does complicate things when the girl i'm dating is a co-worker.


    This girl i'm dating i find moderately attractive. As far as her personality goes, it ranges somewhere between a pissed off Rosanne Barr and a bottomed out heroin addict. Now it seems that she doesn't understand what I mean when I say that we are just dating. Apparently she thinks that we should spend all our time together and that I need to call her every night etc.


    Now that i'm through ranting I want to know how people think i should end this so she won't be completely pissed and cause problems at our workplace. NOTE: coming out and just saying that I want to send this WILL NOT work because she thought that I was just dating her to have sex with her. And we just recently did have sex, so ending it now will just confirm the fact that I did just want to have sex. So, seriously...any ideas?

  4. yeah i agree that women that only want you for your money is a bad thing but remember, who says you can't use them for what they have. That's one of the joys of having money, woman try to use you and you can always turn around and use them . This is besides the personal satisfaction you'll get from looking back and saying, "I did it". I got my education and I did it. Which is almost as good of a feeling as nailing gold diggers.


    P.S. I think it's funny that all the men agree with me and say, "hell yeah" and all the women think that it's wrong to use the women that are actually trying to use men!

  5. Let me put it in terms that a post pubesent teen can understand.


    Women view money as a BIG turn on.

    Men want women.

    Men without a highschool diploma will almost never make alot of money espescially now-a-days the way the job market is moving.

    Men with a college degree in the correct field will make ALOT of money and have power.

    Women also view power as a turn on.


    so to put it in a math formula:


    college degree+high paying job=money+power=WOMEN


    so if you want to be a loser drop out who doesn't show enough effort to get through high school then you will get women that settle for this.


    if you want a chance to get more women, then crack open a book ever now and then and DON'T be afraid to be smart or learn something!

    even though the culture in america views intelligence as a character flaw.

    If that is what is holding you back, keep in mind that most people that you go to school with that make fun of people who are intelligent AREN'T.

    They will more than likely become burn outs.


    If laziness and the fact that you don't give a damn is the reason you don't do good, then remember my math equation:


    Good grades=Good job=Good lays


    still don't give a damn?

  6. "guys don't like to marry girls who wear makeup."


    That is by far the most absurd comment that i've ever heard. Granted some people have there little fetishes when they are looking for women, but i've NEVER heard anyone say that they are looking for a girl that doesn't wear make-up. If you are a "natural" beauty (one who doesn't have to wear make-up) that is definitely a bonus, but those women are few and far between. However, for the remaining 90% of the women out there; it's not a flaw to wear make-up, or it's not something that a guy will view as a turn-off if you do wear make-up.


    Of course this is making the asumption that you know how to wear make-up correctly and that you don't over-do it.

  7. It's been a little over 3 months since the break up with the "girl of my dreams" and alas she hasn't come crawling back on her hands and knees like...well...everyone said she would. So i've moved on and i've been dating again and guess what...MORE WOMEN PROBLEMS! So again, as always, advice/insight will be appreciated and thanks given upfront.


    I've been dating this co-worker of mine for a few weeks and we've been talking for a few weeks longer than that. We both have spent alot of time together (obviously because we've both been working alot together) and we've been on a few dates and we talk every night for hours when we got off of work (we're both insomniacs). Things are going great and everything is appearing to indicate that we are headed towards becoming more serious when...TROUBLE.


    She use to be an avid drug user and this has caused her a plethora of problems including the loss of her first "love" and guy she was crazy about. He ended it with her because they were fighting all the time about her drug use. Then when they broke up he was always a friend to her and helped her through it until she finally quit doing drugs altogether. Then they had a falling out period of 2 or 3 months until the morning of her b-day. He calls her to wish her a happy b-day and tells her how much he misses her and how he wishes they were still together and if things could be like they use to be and that he still loves her as much as when they were not fighting. So, as you would expect this came up on our date later on that night. She said that she still loves him as a friend and that she still has feelings for him, but that she also likes me. I know that there's still feelings there for him because of the way that it ended but, she said that she wanted to give me 100% and would like to see the way things will go and whether or not she would like to have something more serious with me.


    The part that almost causes me to lose sleep is the fact that this is almost EXACTLY what happened to me and my ex-girlfriend. Just that I didn't know about it until she was telling me that she was moving in with him and that I've got a week to get my stuff together and leave. Now should I be concerned to the point that I should let them get back together and I should move on, or, should I just continue like nothing has happened and pray that the same thing that happened to me and my ex doesn't happen again?


    guys/girls, thoughts?

  8. Of course I know that drinking bleach will kill him, that's precisely the reason why I said he should do it. If he lacks the common knowledge and the ability to read basic english to comprehend the warning label on the bottle which clearly states, "DO NOT CONSUME". then yes, he/she should drink it and put my mind at ease as to whether or not he will repoduce.

  9. I just got out of a relationship that was very similar to the one your in, but in my case i was in the situation of "Frank". If you really want to be with "Sam" (which was the decision that my ex-girlfriend made if i was to compare this to my situation) then you need to find out for sure what he wants and see if you have similar desires out of a relationship. Since I don't know "Sam" personally i don't know his history or if he'd lie to you or if he's done anything like this before to someone else. It is always possible that he MAY be in it just to get some booty again.


    On the other hand it's not fair to "Frank" to leave these feelings hidden or burried at the chance that they may suddenly re-emerge when you're out with "Sam" having a good time together as friends. That will hurt ALOT worse than breaking it off with "Frank" now. So be honest with "Frank" if you do decide to break it off, also don't be like every other woman that has broken up with me and try to make it sound like you don't know and that you're really confused. You need to be certain about this and be definate with your answer and that you want to be with "Sam".


    If you do want to be with "Frank" you're going to have to sever ties with "Sam". If for any other reason then because of the one I just mentioned before about possible emotions resurfacing down the road. If "Frank" is a nice guy that you want to be with then go for it. In my opinion, he's the one that would be the logical choice. Since it took "Sam" a month to tell you that he wants to be with you and see you, to me it seems like he's trying to keep you on the side so he can get a piece every now and again.


    Ultimately, you know how you feel and which way you are leaning towards so go with how you feel and only worry about your self on this one. Don't make a decision based upon other people's feelings otherwise, you regret it and then you'll lose both of them.

  10. I think you're starting to break into the male psyche. There are two types of guys unfortunately:


    1. A-holes

    this brand of male is mainly looking to get laid as much as possible by as many different women as possible. These happen to be the most fun to have as friends (if your male, if your female a true A-hole doesn't keep many, if any female friends so this probably doesn't apply) and if your a girl wanting a date.

    2. Wussies (i can't start it with a P or else i'll get censored)

    These guys are the type that want a long term relationship or want to find a girl that they can latch on to for a while. By while I mean until someone ends it, usually resulting with the other in tears. The wussy in usually the one in tears.


    Some guys try to mix and match these two to varying levels of success, however usually that success is low.


    I also agree that this is fairly odvious, but guys tend to get caught up in the idealised female induced wussification (i know that's not a word by the way.) of the male gender. So i try to set them straight. So thanks for pointing that out princess.

  11. Although I've never taken xanax before, I have studied alot on it. I was a pharmacy student for a while and did some independent studies on xanax and other controlled substances. Here's my take on it.


    Xanax is a VERY addictive drug. This drug has been know to create some major problems in people as far as dependency goes. Keep this in mind: 1/3 of people going to substance abuse centers are for abusing prescription medicines. On the list of top abused substances this is #2 just under prescription pain medicines. The part that makes this scary is that ALOT of people that can be characterized as addicts don't know it or don't admit to it, so be diligent when taking it. Don't take it if you don't need it.


    If this causes so many problems with people why prescibe it in the first place? Well it's a very effective drug for people that suffer from nervous disorders or from forms of anxiety. Don't take it with alcohol unless you want to risk liver damage or other bad things. However i'm assuming your doctor is somewhat of an intelligent man (which may be a stretch for some doctors) so if he prescribed it you probably need it. Just watch for signs of dependancy.

  12. well since it's your life it's kinda hard for us to give you ideas about YOUR life...but...here's one for me.


    Life is a race,

    at first it seems like a good idea

    then after about 15 miles it gets tough.

    I began to realize that I am competing against people that are faster and stronger than me, people that have more resolve and more training.

    so I try to put myself ahead of every one anyway I can. I'd do practically anything to try to win.

    Then it's as if all of my competitors are gone and I realized that all this time the struggle wasn't with others, the struggle I had was with myself.


    It's free verse (no rhyming scheme) and kinda cheesy, but it's 100% original so feel free to use or modify it if you want. Just remember it's a metaphor NOT a simile so you can't use LIKE or AS when doing the comparison.


    As a bonus here's a lymrick that I'm doing for a creative anthology project. It's about my ex. who left me for HER ex. It's called, "Katie's lymrick"


    Maybe he's the one I should thank

    He gave all your heart strings a crank

    maybe he is the one

    his partying all done

    but nah, you're just a dumb skank

  13. I think i'll have to make a serious comment here for once:


    Trust me, i've been the "nice guy" for almost all of my life, but recently i've tried the A-hole approach to life and found that it does work. Here's why:


    1. Women want guys who are exciting and fun, usually nice guys don't appeal to girls that aren't ready to, "settle down".

    2. A-holes aren't Marrage material. They are not someone that they want to marry anyway. This is something that is important when a girl realizes that she's getting older and still wants to live a party lifestyle.

    3. A-holes are fun, most of them (ahem...us) aren't very bright, which is why women like them. They like to know that they are more intelligent than someone, this goes hand in hand with the part in #2 that states they are not someone they are going to marry anyway so, who cares.

    4. Usually the A-hole's are the most attractive of the bunch. Unfortunately for the others, those that are not attractive have the personality to make up for it, or drive a porche. If a girl can find an attractive nice guy, it may last but that usually is up to the woman.

    5. One other thing that is commonly over looked is, they are never in a relationship for that long anyway, so of course they aren't going to get dumped THEY (ahem...we) do the dumping. Which trust me, does wonders for confidence levels, I HIGHLY recommend it.


    and finally,

    6. Some girls are just hoes

  14. Well i think he should do it.




    Now, to make some corrections about previous posts...and oh yeah I AM a chemistry student (which is why these two statements have got on my nerve).


    1.Hydrogen Peroxide is NOT BLEACH. Hydrogen Peroxide is Hydrogen Peroxide or H202. Bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite or NaOCl, notice the only similarity in these is the oxygen, and oh yeah they are both oxidizers.

    2.Bleach is NOT and Acid, despite what those morons who named acid washed jeans say. In fact bleach is the exact opposite of an acid, it's a base, and yes, bases can kill you. Which is why I think he should do it. Call it...putting a little chlorine in the gene pool...HAHAHA! ...ok that was corny, but hey they can't all be winners.

  15. Yeah it is about 19-20%, but very rarely is it used (i guess "used" is proper grammar) correctly. So if you're like me and the rest of my friends who think that we have the most incredible reflexes in the world, odds are you should use a condom. Or insist on only doing anal.

  16. Well since this is a list of physical attributes I guess that'll make this kinda easy:


    1.face- This is foremost for me, it's the thing i'll see when I wake up and the ONLY things my friends will see when I flaunt my newest conquer.

    2.Butt-I don't know but for some reason this is 2nd on my list. It can't be ghetto but I want to be able to grab a little something (I can't help but sound ghetto when i'm talking about this subject).

    3. Height- from 5'-5'6" with a matching body type. that would be ideal.


    now, if I can find a girl with all this, an identical twin, and a personality worth a crap, i'll get the rock now.

  17. Everyone will be upset if their ex is seeing other people. Especially if you spent alot of time with that person and you were really close. What your subconscious is thinking is, "What does she have that I don't". Because in the back of your head you are thinking that maybe if I had what she has then we'd still be together. This is completely normal. What you need to realize now is that he is your ex, which by the definition means he was once your boyfriend, which means that you saw qualities in him that made you attracted to him. Now that he is gone, you can still think of those qualities and for all intensive purposes you still have feelings for him. That is why it hurts, that is why you feel the way you do.




    I want to turn you on to a book called, "The Complete Asshole's Guide to handling chicks". This is what I want you to do. First off go read this book, then make it your bible. The title alone may turn you off to this book but trust me, it works. When I was dating my last girlfriend she came accross this book amongst my stuff and actually read it...cover-to-cover, and this is how i know it has some validation about what it says inside, she said that 99% of what the two authors talked about is true and works. I know that i'm coming off as a salesman for this book but trust me, find it and read it, even if you don't use ALL of the information (I don't agree with some of it myself), but there is enough information contained in this book that EVERYONE will find some information useful.


    Alright, now to your problem, this is what I have noticed lately since my breakup with my girlfriend. Chicks love assholes. In life, there are two types of guys, assholes and *ussies. Some people will try and combine these two with varying levels of success, but mainly you have to know which one you fall into. Unfortunately for you, you my friend are the former. This is how I know, if you were an A-hole you wouldn't care what she thought about you, you would find a party, a social gathering, SOMETHING then you would ask her to come with you. If she says no she's busy, blow her off for a week, if she doesn't ask YOU to do something within that week, give her ONE more shot and ask her to do something. If she still says she's busy or what-have you, then take it as a hint and move on. The most important thing to remember is that she ISN'T better than you. YOU are better then her. Which is why, when you get that date make sure that there's alcohol involved somehow. Because that is why guys in college can always...that's right ALWAYS get laid. Alcohol is the great equalizer in the field of love. Without that and Dave Matthews or John Mayer to help you out, college would be highschool, but with better cars.


    Now, about her nosy g/fs, If...I take that back, WHEN you get that date with her, you have to realize that it's in a girl's DNA to gossip and brag. So, you prey on that instict, on that date you need to seem like the best guy ever, you need to do EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING you can to make her seem like she's lucky to be with YOU! Don't ever give the woman the upper-hand in this matter. Then she'll have something to brag about. That will get her friends to give you the approval, because that's another thing that most women need, constant validation. If you can make it so her friends want to bang you, you are good as gold brother.


    So in summary, be bold, be brave, make her friends jealous and bring the alcohol...this is college have fun.


    As the british SAS (Secret Air Service) motto goes: "Who Dares Wins"

  19. First-off,

    I want to turn you on to a book called, "The Complete Asshole's Guide to handling chicks". This is what I want you to do. First off go read this book, then make it your bible. The title alone may turn you off to this book but trust me, it works. When I was dating my last girlfriend she came accross this book amongst my stuff and actually read it...cover-to-cover, and this is how i know it has some validation about what it says inside, she said that 99% of what the two authors talked about is true and works. I know that i'm coming off as a salesman for this book but trust me, find it and read it, even if you don't use ALL of the information (I don't agree with some of it myself), but there is enough information contained in this book that EVERYONE will find some information useful.


    Alright, now to your problem, this is what I have noticed lately since my breakup with my girlfriend. Chicks love assholes. In life, there are two types of guys, assholes and *ussies. Some people will try and combine these two with varying levels of success, but mainly you have to know which one you fall into. Unfortunately for you, you my friend are the former. This is how I know, if you were an A-hole you wouldn't care what she thought about you, you would find a party, a social gathering, SOMETHING then you would ask her to come with you. If she says no she's busy, blow her off for a week, if she doesn't ask YOU to do something within that week, give her ONE more shot and ask her to do something. If she still says she's busy or what-have you, then take it as a hint and move on. The most important thing to remember is that she ISN'T better than you. YOU are better then her.

  20. I agree with evil bunny. Guys do love the ability to get any girl that they can, especially if said girl is an ex. Both I have done this to women and it happened to me and my most recent ex-g/f with one of her ex-b/fs. Not only that but I also believe that due to your age that you two are still in highschool, so I also come to the conclusion that he is doing this because he doesn't really have the will power to completely cut things off with you. As far as the sexual tension part, don't feel honored if he has sexual tension with you, if you catch me on the right day i'll have sexual tension with a pencil sharpener. Which is also why i believe you shouldn't take him back, because like the pencil sharpener, it may feel good for a little bit, but in the end, it'll hurt.

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