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  1. Thank you for your response! Oddly engough, this person tried to call and explain himself but being caught in meetings myself, I did not have to chace to hear the full story. Apparently, there is no bad intent (based on his story), it's just the daily "hum-n-drum" at her workplace. It is amazing how a person can know my wife really really well at their workplace and immediately assume "we are like family" to them? I don't even know the guy!!@#?!! R
  2. Long distance relationships are hard to keep alive. I used to date a girl back in the days who was quite a distance, and saw her once a week. I guess, no matter how faithful I was, I still surprised her with a bouchet of flowers only to find her hanging all over another guy... When I walked up to her, she was shocked and embarased, all blushed red -- then I just handed her the flowers and kindly spoke to her, for the last time.
  3. My wife is an attractive 30-Year-old woman who works in a male dominant environment where flirtation and sarcasm nearly seem to be part of everyone's job description. Although I can "place a name to a face" when it comes to her co-workers, I don't really know anyone very well. I would consider them all, acquaintances. Wile looking through her work email on her new Palm Pilot, I accidentally stumbled through some emails where a specific co-worker I know (claims to be happily married with 2 children and slightly overweight), sends email messages stating "I miss you", "Hi Sexy", "Call me", "You look nice", titles his messages to her as "Sunshine", frequently emails in non-work related topics, etc. On light of things, he is also offering to be a helping hand anytime we may be in need. I made it a point to my wife that I am uneasy about this individual's emails and remarks, as well as his "lack of professionalism" while at work. My wife told this individual to "back off", with those emails and continue communicating only on a professional basis. He even went the length to call and explain himself. My wife never gave this matter too much though, and she thinks I am over-reacting. Do any of you think I am over-reacting? If you were in my shoes, how would you interpret this man's behavior? Sincerely, Curious "R"
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