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  1. But thats the thing, it is hopeless. I don't mean "Looks hopeless" or "seems hopeless" , she has made it very VERY clear that she will never have that kind of interest in me ever again, but I can't stop carrying a bloody torch for her! She's made it clear that we can only work as friends, and I've been doing well (I think) being a good friend, and a certain part of me is VERY happy with how this worked out. But as soon as I'm alone, as soon as I stop distracting myself with the rest of my life, I know that the feelings I had for her are still burning inside me. I don't want this to be an obstacle in the friendship I have with her, but at the same time I feel that if I betrayed these feelings I'd be betraying myself. It won't work, it can't work, it's never ever ever gonna happen, but I don't seem to care. Part of me seems convinced that I can live with this miserable conflict with the rest of my life as long as a) I am friends with her, and b) I never stop carrying that torch. I think a way of describing my situation is "Happily Doomed". I rwally feel that the whole world can go off a do whatever it pleases as long as these two things don't change.
  2. I know about the whole moving on with your life after a break up, how acceptance and growth is the way to go, and how everybody has to play nice, but seriously, what happens if you don't? What happens if you dig your heels in and outright refuse to accept, or grow, or get over a break up? I'm interested to hear from anybody (Mostly Dudes, though Girls are always welcome) who has gone "F*ck it!" after a break up and remained steadfast in the belief that the relationship they just left was worth fighting for, even if it seems pointlessly hopeless. I'm talking more than a week though, because most people go through this phase, but I'm wondering if anyone has gone through this mindset for more than a few months, maybe even made it a lifestyle choice. Any input would be grand, thanks.
  3. If you are truly in love with this girl, and she feels similarly about you, then age really shouldn't be an issue. If, however, it's more of a sexual thing, and what you're really attracted to is her body, then that might count as "Pervy" and should probably be stopped in its tracks. If you share how you feel about this girl in a little more detail, it might be easier for people to give some advice. Hope I've been of some help! Yours, I.D.
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