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  1. There is this girl ill call her B in my school, and im not sure if she likes me. Here's the whole story. I was going with this girl ill call her A and it seemed like i was going to ask her out, but i realized i liked this other girlB, so i told the girl that i was dating but not going out with i wanted to be jus friends. Now girl A is mad at me and spreading things and the other girlB now knows i like her. She told her other friend that she isnt sure if she likes me, but i know that she liked me in the beginning of the school year. Does anyone have any ideas, comments, suggestion, questions, etc.? I was thinking of asking girlB to the semiformal dance may 8th? All help is appreciated. thanks
  2. i have never kissed a girl b4 and my girlfriend told a girl that she doesnt like being people's first kisss(french kiss) cause they dont kno what they are doing. i wanna leave a good first impression, but i dont know how to make this work.i really like her and i dont want ne if she;s that shallow its not worth it stuff. im nervous and i want her to like me. please help me out.
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