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Posts posted by twelve

  1. You did nothing wrong, i am saying this because you said she said you did nothing wrong.

    thereforeeee as hard as it is there is no reason for you to contact her because it is her that should be doing it.


    And if you two are meant to be together, she will realise this and her wrong doing, and the small things you did will seem pathetic and she will contact you again.

    focus on how horrible she is and how you are worth so much more than that because you are.

    There are many other woman out there, who wil love and respect you more, whom you can fall in love with too, when you are ready, and it may be tomorrow you meet someone or two years away.

    As for time, I really think the amount of NC does not matter, whether it be five years, 10 years or two months or two weeks.

    Cheesy as it sounds if its true love, that love will always be around in a person.

    I still love people i haven't seen in YEARS.

    I have moved on, but will always have a soft spot and if the relationship could happen again and be good id do it again.

    so dont worry about time ok

    It can take a long time for people to change so don't be in any panic.

    You do never know if you are meant to be together again, but every day that goes on is not less and less chance, and if you are meant to be, you will sort things out.

    Good luck

  2. just wait bean counter, give it some more time.

    Stay busy even if the days go slowly, and are painful to get through, laughter will come back, you will start to enjoy things again.

    he won't leave your mind, but other thinsg will take his place and you WILL meet someone better.

    Then you will know that all this pain was worth it and was a strengthening and learing experience.


    He s being nice, maybe to weaken you and get you to go to him and ask for him back.


    don't fall for it.

    Keep your head high and remember that you are worth more.


    When i had a huge part of my life, and my dreams ripped away from me, i came on here and read the threads about no contact.

    (major friendship breakup)

    It was the hardest thing I have ever done but i haven't contacted this person, its been almost 4 months now!

    I have never felt stronger in my life.

    I used to always grovel.

    I still miss this person and have random crying attacks but it is very empowering knowing you can move on.

    Mostly, I am fine.

    In a way, I have replaced this person, kind of....there is hope ok?

    The next person you are with won't be him, but they willhave good characteristics that he didn't.


    I didn't let this persons reaction influence me i stayed in control.

    This is not what the controller normally wants, so if he controlled you emotionally, you ebing strign will piss him off and i bet 100% that he will regret things and miss you.


    They didn't contact me and whenever I see them they pretend I don't exist, so I do it back, then cry in private.

    Don't show him you miss him.


    If it is meant to be, he will come back, changed.

    If not, you are better off without the scum believe me.


    Kia Kaha, Stay strong and keep us updated. =;

  3. are you coming accross as desperate?

    don't take that wrong i am not sure if you are or not.


    you sound like an intelligent and interesting person, so i think it is purely your approach that is out.


    i am a lesbian and guys flock to me, and i am sure a lot of it is because i don't try for anything more than friendship and am cruisy and be msyelf around them.

    i suggest you try a similar tactic.

    get to know them as mates, even say you have a boyfriend (or are gay so they dont think you are after them.

    As a result, they will want to get to know you + find you appealing because of your ease in getting along with them and not expecting anything, no pressure.


    good luck.

  4. or make her aware that you are finding it frustrating, the pressure will make it harder for her.


    tell her that you masturbate and try it in front of her, and see if she willin front of you, and it wil take time.

    thats the only way she may be able to and it does not mean there is anything you are doing wrong.

    it is the way a lot of girls are =)

  5. i am going through the same feelings with a VERY close friendship break up, you are not alone, and time does heal.

    It's not easy, you will think about it constantly but try and get out and meet other people.

    It is natural to be at home and cry and hurt, and when ready, do begin the process of going out there and doing things to take your mind off it even if it is hard, and eventually , heal.


    Good luck, big hug.

  6. i really need some advice and appreciate any!

    to cut a long story short, i have been best frineds with a girl for 5 years, and recently became good friends with her boyf.

    they do not like my g.f who i broke up with for a bit.

    they supported me throught he breakup but it seems conditional now.

    now we are back together and they dont like it.

    the girl started telling me why i shud not be with this person, whom i love + have been sorting stuff with.

    she trys to make me feel bad for being with her.

    i told the girl that i had been having problems with her boyf being smart + rude to me b/c she was attacking my g.f, and she accused me of being defensive + attacking her partner.

    this was not what i intended at all!

    it was all valid! but she denies it

    now they have ditched me and are ignoring me and were complete c**nts to me on the phone the other night, so i have stopped contacting them and have quit the band we were in.

    i want them to know i did not intend to ATTACK or be personal at all, but they wont listen to me and will hang up if i call!


    please help with advice anyone!

    thank you so much

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