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Everything posted by jim54

  1. Ok, I've know this girl at school for about 2 weeks now. I've gone on one date with her which went fairly well....The problem is conversation. When I try to initiate conversation by asking questions and such, she gives fairly short answers, which makes it hard to talk about anything (she is pretty shy). I've had 1 phone conversation with her which went alright, but I had to end it because I just completely ran out of things to say. The worst part is, I can't bring up the same questions later, becasue it will seem lame as we already 'discussed' them. So is there any advice out there on how to draw out conversations longer so they aren't dead within a few words? (keep in mind she is shy) Also, some new convo ideas as well for someone i've known for about 2 weeks and am in the minor stages of a relationship with? I appreciate your help.
  2. I just started dating this girl at my school. We have gone on one date and talked a few times at school. Recently, a friend told me it is her birthday in a few days. Since we just started dating, what should I do? I was thinking something simple like a rose or something...... Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the help guys (and gals). I really needed it tonight!
  4. Im 17 years old. There is this girl in one of my classes and who i see in the halls. She is in the grade below me. I have been told by one of her friends that she really likes me, even though I know NOTHING about her. I want to talk to her but I have no idea how to initiate it because I'm pretty sure that she knows that I know she like me (follow?). So it will be kind of awkward and I'm quite sure shes not going to initiate it herself. I really have to do this fast becasue her friends keep telling me to say hi to her. Any help is appreciated!
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