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Everything posted by Gunners4eva

  1. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. If you feel comfortable doing nothing, do nothing, don't let peer pressure get to you. As for your friends who claim to be active, unless you were there when they were fingered or gave blows jobs the odds are they are at least stretching the truth. Or out and out lying to make themselves look good. As for your friends who want to wait, as a man I can say I respect them more. But thats just me. At age 14 I had just had a few snogs nothing serious.
  2. I have been friends with this girl for about 9 years now, we went to school together and have always been good friends, we ar both 19. Over the past few months my feelings have developed for her, she has always been there for me when I needed her and vice versa. Anyway I just wanted your opinion with regards to a few things that have happened between us lately to see if you think I have a chance with her. A few weeks a go we were messing around playing a game of 'slap' where you put your hands in a prayer position and the other person has to slap your hand while you try to avoid it. I was sitting in a chair in her living room and she was standing over me, after a while she kneeled down saying her back was aching, she pushed my legs apart and kneeled right next to me, putting her elbows on my thighs, we were having a laugh with the game, then she missed a shot her elbow slipped off my leg and she feel forward with her head resting on my stomach this was an accident and we laughed it off, but then she did it again on purpose, we again laughed it off. A few days later I was at hers and she was doing some housework for her mother I helped her and while she was doing the hoovering she tried to trap my penis in the hoover shaft, and turning on the hoover while doing it, we again were just laughing and joking about at the time. A couple of weeks ago we were in the pub with a couple of her mates playing pool, I was standing waiting for my turn when she came right up to me and pressed herself into me, standing there for a couple of minutes while we were talking, we also made several suggestive jokes to eachother when holding or chalking the cue. Only a few days a go we were joking again this time giving people marks out of ten for their looks, eventually I asked her what she would give me and she said 4, you are average looking but I would give you 11 for personality. She is quite a flirty girl naturally, but do you think there is a chance she might share my feelings?
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