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not tellin

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  1. Okay thankyou for all your advice people. mike
  2. Sorry i don't understand how someone could not believe they love you and expect you to love them back. And if they don't believe you doesn't that sort of say they don't trust you? mike
  3. Hey, your welcome for my advice any time and it seems that your getting back to normal with your boyfriend. just spend as much time with him as you can to make him feel that you really like him haha il let you decide what you want to do with that time but im not going to get into that don't worry. Out of interest, what sort of relashionship do you have with your boyfriend? like is it really serious? sex? or just fun? sorry don't mean to insult you with the fun part but it's a possibility with
  4. Sounds ok just don't let him think about the prom you went too and what he might think you were doing with other people. sorry if that sounds horrible it didn't mean too mike xxxx
  5. You just want too be carefull what you plan, may i ask what you are planning because that would help alot in this and i could give u my opinion on it.
  6. Ok just be carefull you don't make him feel left out by the prom thing spend some more time with him. Don't be insulted by this but u do you truly love your boyfriend?
  7. Thats great if he makes you happy then stay with him, don't always listen too your mates because they arn't you and their only saying what they think you should do. personally id work on the relashionship if you think he's worth it. mike xx
  8. Tell him now if you can all about your child hood and get him too do the same and learn from what you tell each other mikexx
  9. It's not so much he's calling you a liar but he's just plain confused about what you said, you really need to talk to him about this and explain to him your feelings to him. gd luck! mike
  10. When you tell a guy something and then change it, it can confuse them and they don't know what's the truth so you'v got too look at it in his point of view, you told him that you havn't gone so far with a lad then you told him ages later that you had so he see's it as changing the story and is confused on what is true.
  11. It seems you'r boyfriend is worried about loosing you. You need to reasure him that he's the only one you want. When you talk about past relasionships it doesn't help with there self confidence. I suggest telling him that then was just a mistake and nothing serious. good luck!
  12. hi, if a guy really likes you then he'll probably give off signals like if he rings you for no reason or he chooses to sit near you or if he starts asking who you fancy and stuff like that. but if can't see any of these signs then the best thing too do is just to ask him because if he likes you now he might not in a few weeks and you'll have missed your chance of being with him. good luck with this, mike xx
  13. i cant trust my own girlfriend because when ever she meets a new lad she has to flirt with them and then she says she loves me and wen eva i say i love her she calls me a liar. i cant trust her to meet my mates cos she'll end up chatting them up! and she always goes on about other lads and how much she likes them and what shes done with other people and i suffer from depresion and this doesnt help because every time she does it i end up either trying 2 cut my wrist or drinking too much! how can i stop this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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