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Everything posted by Clambert

  1. i know what your girlfriend is going through... i have also had several people very close to me pass away this year, two of my dearest friends committed suicide and a close cousin died of an overdose on drugs. My grandma also has cancer, she is dying of lukemia. Then, last night my best friend lost her baby, she was 7 1/2 months pregnant. i am doing my best to be there for her, to comfort here. All i can say to you is that you are doing everything you can to help her. My boyfriend was awsome through everything, he held me and let me cry, the greiving process for me still istn over and everytime i think about it and start to cry he holds me and lets me stay there as long as i need to. Really, greiving is the only way for her to get over it. Just make sure she know she is not alone and you are always going to be there to help her. No matter what happens in life things wil look up eventually.All this sadness reminde me of my favorite poem. Our friends are like angels, who brighten our days, in all kinds of wonderful magical ways. Their thoughtfulness comes, as a gift from above, and we feel we're surrounded, by warm caring love. Like upside down rainbows, their smiles bring the sun, and fill ho-hum moments with laughter and fun. Friends are like angels, without any wings, blessing our lives, with the most precious things. Right now you need to be her angel. Good luck to you and her, you are both in my prayers.
  2. Last night my best friend in the entire world lost her baby. She was 7 1/2 months pregnant. She was having a little boy, she even had his name picked out, we were going to call him Connor Pheonix. She was dating a guy w ho was heavy into drugs, crystal myth to be exact, after she left this guy she learned that she was pregnant. This man's drug use was the reason for her baby's death. He had used so much that it altered his cromozones. the baby had fluid on his brain and stomach. I have no idea how to help her cope with this. I dont have kids and have never been pregnant, i dont know what it is like. i know i cant cry in front of her although i feel like i need to cry for her. I dont want to be a weka person, i want to be her rock. what can i do to be strong enough for her. i dont want her to feel like this is her fault because it isnt. when we found out this was wrong with the child she kept going back to the fact that she had had an abortion with her first pregnancy with a guy that beat her. so she blames herself, how do i help her know that that has nothing to do with this. Help me be stong!
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