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Everything posted by markii

  1. I know i won't get an answer unless i don't know her. Btw, hv ever ask if everyth is well like a morning greetings, but there wasn't any verbal replies. No, I used those astro reports as indications and they are good indications if you read and think consciously. Hey thks for replying. Btw, the latest development is in other topics author by me. As it stands now, I tin i hv done what I tot i cld do. Tin I shld now b settling my mind dn and be accepting.
  2. Like to satisfy your curiosity regarding "interested in how a mature man like you ended up in there" ... but tin i'll pass that, at least for now, cos it might b lengthy .. too bz n tired ... but i had benefitted n learn fr some really gd advice fr 'my' astro 'master' ... anyway 4 you, basically n most imptly, tis e first time i could really c thru someone tat much in such a short time .. i dun even know tat much of my best friends after 6-12yrs ... today i risked tellin her someth deep abt her values system n feelings which i suddenly found out last night .. n it seems bingo (again) .. i dun know, i tot i 'saw' her pleasures, complains, frustrations, joy, values, life's outlook, etc. .. nvm, i actually had sms her my last mssg already by now ... n replied ... expression n intentions n action are all different .. some pple lived thru lives wo knowing what's happening, some knows much wo experiencing !! ... we cld talk more at a better time, my icq is 198709532.
  3. Think you are biased right from the first reply. Your comprehension probably went out of the way. I guess you are a lady. Cos another (icq pal) also got pissed off even at a earlier stage when I asked if I shld tell her I like her in a vague jokingly manner. It turned out to be ok as I expected, even for the 2nd occasion which i said i wished she was not married. Maybe i hv not provided enough info. This is different from the previous women that I thought I could 'loved' but realised that I only like them or the reverse 'cos I was the one who stepped out quietly and avoided any further development that either or both way could happen. I could still remember their faces vaguely which one is more than 10 years ago. But for this, whenever I think about her, I thought of the feelings about what she have said and done but not the face during this process. Well, i do know there's some physical attraction, but it's that feeling that literally make my heart pumps. in fact, i feel better whenever i write abt it, but if i keep quiet, it pumps again. She actually knows more or less that I understand much about her (values, characteristics). As vaguely mentioned, she actually went a bit high at times on some of things i understood her. Think a lot of colleagues around her heard what she exclaimed. I have to tell her to keep cool but in the process, she still lose control at times. She knew a bit of my 'secrets' as well. We have a bit of common past in fact - she were living in my area before, and happen to like some of the food as with me. Same for previous working location. She told me about her medical conditions. I would say both of us is working at a good friendship level which is apparent to most people. However as someone marrying soon, she had reservations and employed some discipline. That's why there's no dating, no lunch together in fact, no other thing. The only thing is I found something odd about Him and Her at many times these recent 2 weeks. Her emotions with him seems to be odd which is revealing. These were different from weeks ago. Ai ya , i dont know. I'm confused. How could u let someone you like to carry on getting hurt if you see such indications. I know she's rather pleased n excited to get marry but not so much for how it has went in these 2 weeks. I hv seen indications that He uses charm to get away with things. I tot He might hv take her for granted at times. She wld avoid talking anyth betw Him to me. It's like I and Him are to be transparent, to be separate, to be mutually exclusive in her working n personal life. I welcome your further reply. I really do n i look forward. Thks for your replies so far.
  4. Can anyone tell me what kind of feeling is this? For the first time, i had such feelings ... that when I think of her (maybe when i'm missing her), I do not see her face but just 'that kind of feeling' .. well i am able to see her face if i think further ... but it's that feeling that comes first and strong .. but hardly her face first, almost none ... in fact i probably would only think of her face when i consciously want to !! I'm the same person who author "time is short & a tough decision to make" and "URGent&Impt! What should I do - Reveal intentions OR let" Recently, i have the urge to hold and kiss her if under circumstances, the mood goes too high and I can't possibly control nor take it anymore. Is this bad?
  5. ya .. fate has been v tough on me .. there's not a single chance for any dating, shared activities, romance, living together ... but i can't bear to get the indications that it was she who pushed for the marriage because of that big 3x age (jus got past birthd) !! Can see that He is not as willing n excited ... there seems to be some promises unfulfilled by him ... n she seems to head home lonely or hang somewhere else ... last 2 days were e worst i seen, walkin out of office to converse on mobile n comin bac v gloomy n expressionless !! i had to sms her to jus check in, n ask her if everyth's alright tis morning. at times, she wld repeat bad personal experience to me again which i had already overheard from her convers wif other lady colleague. And I've seen her astro report that she might hv a failed first marriage, generally she gets a bit impulsive. I've seen her but in a positive way at times when we talk .. today she spoke of some work-related at a emotional level which i tot she needed some advise .. sucks, i talk on a different level which we both realised later .. : ) As for your "4. You will be working together (what a discomfort)." .. i really really do not know .. still in conscious control of myself .. but really do not know if i wld spurt out those 3 words n hold her. : ) ... 2.5 more weeks .. n she'll b away for a month on marriage... highly possible, i wld leave e job prematurely... cant bear c her comin back... dun tin i can take tat.
  6. Recently this 2 months, I gradually know of someone close (working in adjacent seats under a 5 mth project) who, sadly for me, is preparing to get married (in fact married under law and living together). I get so interested in her that I felt so strangly that it would be regrets and grieves for me if I do not do anything at all. Yet time is short (customary marriage is in March). I have known her quite 'a lot' in this short 2 months time so far and I know this time it is rather oddly special though I thought our Mating Ratings (from some paid astrological report) was not that superb but at least favourably good. But somehow I had this strong feelings for her. Recently (this 2 weeks), it's hurting and disturbing whenever I realised that she seems rather depressed after her routine daily call with HIM some time before knock-off time. And so to speed up, I tried to understand our horoscope (through paid astro reports), and I have attempted to reveal my feelings in an easy vague jokingly manner on 2 occasions by now (that I like her type, that I wished she was not married). As expected, she was not turned off but seems rather delightful. I am intending next to ask her to (just) POSTPONE her customary marriage but I need to know whether will it cause much discomforts, tensions, etc to the different people and more importantly, if it's worth it. I have not decided whether to tell her my thoughts. The tendency would be NOT to, knowing that there's much commitment made, esp financially, in their marriage preparation. If I do decide, it's not really my intention to stop(!) her marriage but to have more time. Both of us are 30+ and HIM is 34. Hope someone could help. I just need some advice.
  7. Ans to both your 'cheat' and 'break' qx is a straight no, of coz not. It might hv been infatuation but not without reasons. There seems to be some minor struggle or irritation out there. There are indications felt that I can't quite get it. In fact, when I casually hinted my type of liking, she continued asking what's and why the kind I like. She say we shall talk abt it some time later. But neither us initiate anyth further probab b'cos we were busy for the day after (as i say, i might hv taken some reservation as well). As for "future workin rel'ship wil b uncomfortable", I believe not though not too sure unless I do not understand her (as i said, i'v nvr understand so much abt someone) or I have put accross the mssg in a lousy manner. Well anyway, you did provide a good advice. (Many Thks) Fish is taken up. Fate this time is probably not to my adv. I jus wonder if there is anyth 'God' is telling me, wants me to live through, wants me to live as, what wld tat be? (And once again,) Is this exactly what I need to do. Keep quiet?
  8. I beg for advices urgently! Well, under a project I get to know someone as a very close working colleague for more than a month already now and counting. I got interested in her gradually since first day - her simple disposure, happy-go-lucky, cutie-ness, etc. We get along well, at least professionally. We could talk much but i do had my reservation. That's because since the first couple of weeks knowing her, I know that she's preparing to get married in about 1 month time from now. In fact, I guessed they are married by law, n living together. This bothers me alot (inside) all along though I have acted rationally. But it still 'hurts' (more) and I still have to face her for at least a few more months until end of project. I was thinking what shall I do. The unique thing about this is that this the first time I was so interested in someone's thoughts. I 'thought' I could see through her which at times she responded delightfully. No one I knew personally has ever been so close to my ideal on the appearance. And so there was a lot of struggle until before last week when I (had to) told her I kind of like the happy-go-lucky type of person she is (in a light-hearted jokingly manner). I was hoping that this would relieve me at least. I was expecting before hand that she would react delightfully without getting much nerves nor surprises and indeed she did. But (sucks), the problem remains. It still hurts (my heart actually pumps in recent weeks!) and I wonder so much whether I should be doing anything more. I was thinking that I might want to tell her that I hope she does not marry this soon (and as usual, in a light easy jokingly manner). We are both 30, Her 'husband' 33. All asian chinese.
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