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  1. i happened to look at my girlfriends e mails when i was visiting her in las vegas we have a long distance ''exclusive'' relationship,, i saw an add for flirting passions an adult dating service on her in box, i mailed the company and they report that an e mail may come from an affiliate site, my question is does a person need to request an add for a dating service or do they mail them out e mass mailing without request, i have never received an e mail un solicited from adult dating service myself does anyone have expierience with this,,,,,, tony
  2. i feel we are all here to learn and then deal with the expierences in life we have been hard wired by some form of agreement with life to learn and that is wisdom, i can say this to others but in my situation i can not be as objective, i had realtionships in the past where my girlfriend and even my ex wife left me for other men, i am a lil shy about commitment now after being burned some 4 times now, i am in a committed realtionship with a woman for 3 years, she since moved to las vegas 1 year ago for a carrer oppurtunity, we shared our past life expierences with each other and it seems like she has made a pattern in which she has a man waiting if her primary relationship falters, she had an affair with some guy when she was with her 3rd husband, the other guy picked her up in a bar in front of her then husband, and mother, she went to his hotel room and consumated the 2 year affair, then she met me she was separating from her 3rd at the time, her past also includes a 25 year intensive friendship replete with dinners, calls with her 1st husband who calls her his one and only,, durng the year in vegas she has dated though she does not call it dating her boss, which consisted of a series of dinners with drinks a conference in california, and once spent an 8 hour date when they went out for dinner drinks movie and dancing and assured me she would call when she got in that nite but never did call until the next day and refuses to talk about it any further, she sais she also told me she was tired at times and would not be able to call me which is ok she has a hard job which she spends until 8 or 9 pm at, but the nites she did not call were all on thursdays, when i pointed this out she started to go to bed very early on thursdays so that i would not call her, when she went to dinners with her boss i was not to call her on her cell or she would simply trun it off,, so her i sit in new mexico wondering what i am doing waiting for her or am i being a paranoid any advice would be deeply appreciated,,,
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