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Everything posted by levie

  1. Google home has a concept of household. I stayed there for 2-3 weeks on 2-3 different occasions. I booked a hotel but he asked me to stay at his house instead. And he asked me to look after the house when I stayed there. He added me to electronic systems. When I mentioned my parents might be coming - he said they could stay at the house as well.
  2. Thank you so much for your honest feedback. When he introduced me to his friends - close friends, he would preface it - this person is very close to me - please treat him like family, make him like you - it is very important for us long term. This was for several people. It is my fault, communication wise - but I have been a bit intimidated by him. I hugely put him on a pedestal. But maybe he doesn't belong there. You are absolutely correct. I thought our values had aligned. I thought he did owe me exclusivity. In his text to his friends (or yacht captain) - he referred to. me has his girlfriend. Up to now I assumed I was and relationship was serious. It is not good enough, thank you for pointing it out. I have difficult time with ..serious conversations. I just couldn't bring it up because of ..how do I say...I saw you were texting other women? its a breach of privacy..and because of being referred to as a girlfriend.. ..im in a complete mess, now I'm just trying to avoid the conversation...I never thought I'd be in a situation to have it. But clearly I'm being taken advantage of. Thank you for pointing things out - hard to see when you're emotionally involved with someone.
  3. Yes well paying crew for 8 people (total maybe 20-30k) a month is steep, but I cooked for everyone, and that was my contribution. I think that's fair. People are impressed by expensive dinners. I liked him because he seemed to have classical values. But ..I was wrong apparently. Yes you are 100% correct. I was confused because of involvement in so many aspects of his life. Thank you Batya. I very much appreciate it.
  4. Batya, thank you also for your reply - would it be your opinion - that exclusivity I need to discuss with him? Do I need to bring it up? He makes the appearance that we are exclusive (his friends confirm so). (But because I'm like surveillance - I know it isn't true).
  5. Yes Batya, I mentioned his wealth because you can see from my story - he has a yacht, a house (etc) in New York, in Munich, Berlin, London that most people don't have. Secondly I mentioned - because some women he was involved before did date him for money and he broke it off or they did eventually. Both in business and in personal relationships...he has very bad discretion, I learned. As for me, I always paid my own way when he asked to meet - paid for my tickets for the trips, hotels, paid for dinner. Its a matter of principle to me, a relationship should stand on its own... but sometimes - people who are businessmen are more morally ambiguous that's why I mentioned it. ..- he invests long term in startups - so no business deals per se how you'd imagine it. It is certainly very nice when someone pays for dinner and there is a place to stay..isnt it. ..as for seriousness..I am gathering you are correct, thank you. I've been very involved with him on so many levels, its a hard decision to make but I have to do it.
  6. Thank you that's fair. Yes I made assumption - that we are - because of complete involvement in his life: financial, emotional, intellectual. He emails me, calls me, texts me every day (calling every couple of days). He is very protective of me (when we were in person) - and cares what I think and I do. I've seen evidence and in both cases - it was an "illegal" way to see it - privacy. And that aspect scared me. His friends refer to us as a "couple". If he were serious, would he not want to bring it up himself? If I do..means he doesn't want it?
  7. The man I have been dating - I know for 3 years. In the last year since May - he has reached out to me - and asked me to help with his companies. He's very well off - and I have a degree in AI - he started getting me involved in zoom calls - introducing me to the two CEOs he works with - along with his friends. I have been very much inspired by him - he has been my role model and at first it propelled my work - then it became more... A month later - I visited and stayed at his house in nyc. There was no physical relationship - I stayed in a separate room. He started romancing me after he left his house - invited me to join him in Germany - where he organized meeting with his friends, and the CEOs. This was in October. I went with him to Munich, Barcelona, Monaco, Zurich - we were together. In Zurich he said he'll join me in Milan then never met me.- made excuses that he was busy. I left back to the states - I continued working with the group I met on presentation. He is very well off - but I also hold my own - I have a fantastic career and a good salary. I like him - he's fun and we get along intellectually very well and so physically. In December he invited me for his yacht - the boat had problems and on and off for the next 3 months - I stayed on the boat with him - and eventually travelled from EU to carribean - sleeping, eating, dealing with very big problems together. Every day. He introduced me to more friends in Carribean that he knew for 20 years. None of his people I worked with - told me that he was dating other people. But on his phone I saw messages to other girls - I decided to ignore it and focus on our relationship. - this was during middle of trip. End of trip - he asked me to go home to Miami and that he will join me in two weeks - he went to his house in NYC - he said he has so much work to do. He has been in constant contact with me, - and I less so - I did not feel comfortable knowing what I knew.. I have access to his credit card (I never used it) - but I can see the charges. And I have access to his house's cameras...because I'm part of his household. I keep in constant contact with his close friends, who always reach out to me. .. I saw he had another woman..evening and morning..two and two together. He has been asking to visit me and spent my birthday with me... I feel like the last 6 months (or at least 3) I have been in relationship with him...we have a strong connection, intellectually, I know his friends (almost all), and they know me.. I am still (but less) involved in his company. He constantly send me private financial information. I am completely confused as to what to do with what I saw...he's with another woman..I was going to spend my birthday with him - I am with my family now.. ...do I ..cut him off? go no-contact? ...
  8. So 4 days, didn't reply to text from my ex where he said he's "busy for the next few days" to meet me. Blah. Made out with a cute man. Have a few dates arranged. Getting over fast.
  9. Didn't contact him for 4 days after he sent me break up letter a long one with what he felt, I think he requested NC...I wrote him a reply I 4 days later...I didn't want him to go on with having poisonous thoughts or without telling my side...I mostly tried to clear up some misconceptions and said will work on my issues...Was it wrong..?? So Ill remain doing NC the rest of the time.
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