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Everything posted by butterfly

  1. i was with my ex for 3 years. this past year he started going to school and met someone. i knew from the 1st time i met her, she had her eye on him. they always had the same classes and same study groups together. i thought it was strange, he said it was harmless, they're just "friends." a month and a half ago he broke up w/me b/c he said he wasnt ready to "settle" down. now he's seeing that other girl and it pisses me off. he doesnt want to settle down, but yet hes settling w/her. it drives me nuts that she totally persisted and took him away from me. im furious at both of them, but more pissed and angry at her. how could she stoop so low to do something so shallow? my feelings for him were so strong, he was the one i wanted to be with for the rest of my life.. how do i just let go of all that?
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