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Everything posted by jesser

  1. Hello I have some sort of eating disorder. I haven't really talked about it to anyone but i have mangaged to control it well for the past 7 months. I used to read a girls online open diary about her eating disorder which made mine seem so insignificant. I wish I had never read it. I worry now that it may have encouraged her, having so many people reading it. When I look back and remember what I did and how I saw things I feel so guilty, ashammed and anxious.
  2. just spoke to my friend and he said that he was probably just messing and not to think much of it. and that it was just a stupid bloke thing
  3. he told me his password i we have been together for 3 years and was seeing if he had kept any of my emails that he sent me he knows my email. i didn't think that we had anything to hide from each other
  4. hello i have just done something that i shouldn't have i have checked my boyfriends email as i got too curious. Well i got my just deserts when i found out he has joined a dating and sex agency, saying how he wants an older woman to seduce him and show him what women really want in bed. i could understand if he just wanted advice but as he said he was single it makes me feel sick. We are in a long distance relationship and he is going in two days on my birthday. i dont know what to do i feel sick. maybe he was just messing around
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