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Laura Ashley

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Posts posted by Laura Ashley

  1. Hello everyone, I sent a post ages ago about this tutor at school. He's young about 22/23.


    Well I still feel attracted towards him. I always have. But lately he keeps ignoring me. He doesn't say 'hi' to me any more or 'good morning'


    I know nothing can happen. But I want him and I can't let him go. Theres just something about him. He's special. But he doesn't seem to know me any more he doesn't say anyhting to me.


    What have I done wrong. Is he suspicious?


    I want him to talk to me some more



  2. Hey people!


    I'm starting to break out in spots! then when they go I have horrid scares. They look like cuts and are really noticeable!


    It's horrible I feel self consious about them! Whats the best way to get rid of spots quickly.


    I can't hide them too well with foundaton or powder. But I have small round cuts on my face.

    Please help me get rid of them!



  3. You stop crying, man up,

    Yeah give him a break!


    He's just being dumped of course he's going to feel hurt and want to cry so what!? That was harsh!


    Anyway, I am sorry to hear that. Hang in there and try to forget her, try to move on! I know it's easier said than done but it helps to concentrate on something fun like a hobby or something.


    Take care! Post us if you want to chat we are always here



  4. Heya,


    I was thinking (for once) about the fact that I'm 16 and I have the rest of my life ahead of me and what I could do with it.


    I was thinking 'What do I want out of life and how do I achieve it'


    Anyway, I always fancied the idea of working on board a ferry. The reason is because I'd sort of see new places, I'd meet new people and it looks like fun!


    It probably doesn't sound very exiting but it's something I'll work towards.

    But I really wanted to know what your childhood dream job is or if your my age what your woking towards.


    I'm just curious?



  5. but I do a lot of exercise and eat right but im not loosing the weight.


    My mum and dad wont allow me on the weight watchers diet because i'm too young.


    It was the perfect way to loose the weight and then finally I'd be slimer like every other girl. I'd feel better going to miss selfridges and trying on jeans that fit.


    I thought making myself sick would work but it's just going to kill me


    I hate myself I feel so unattractive all the time especially when I'm out with friends from college and their all slim and pritty.

  6. well I haven't started. But I'll be honest. I was going to. I feel fat. I weigh 10 and half stone.


    The generation of girls today seem so slim and skinny and they all think their fat but their not! So it made me think, "well if you think your fat, I must be obeist" (sorry about the spelling)


    I feel fat. I go in to shops and try jeans on and none of them fit. Or they will have a really nice pair of jeans on a rack and the biggest size doesn't fit and the next set of jeans are a different style.


    One of my friends Jasmine is slim and she seems to boast about it. she looks great.


    I eat right, get PLENTY of exercise but nothing is changing. I feel fat. I wanted to start making myself sick because it would reduce my weight rapidly.

  7. wow, that makes perfect sense. Thanks.


    I just felt like I have to do my best but when I do my best it's not good enough.


    I feel as though if I don't do great in my GCSE's then the world will end. Thats what it feels like. People are making it seem as though if I fail then I can forget college and uni ...


  8. Hello all,


    Okay I'm 6th form college now. I'm 17 and I haven't been good in relationships. But thats not why I am posting here.


    I'm posting here because I have have a major crush on one of the teachers at college. He doesn't teach me at all but I see him around when I'm on a free period. He teaches football with the boys.


    He sometimes says good morning if he sees me and sometimes smiles at me. I feel strongly attracted to him. The thing is, he can only see me as a school girl. Well college girl. I want him to see past Laura the student and see the more layed back down to earth Laura. He can't do that even if he wanted to because student teacher relationships are strictly forbidden.


    I don't know him to well but I notice certain things we have in common. My best friend Shazraiya talks to him quite often since he teaches her brothers so sometimes I join in the conversation. The conversation lasts for about 2 minutes or less. Sometimes I just want to hug him or if I'm sad I wish he was there for me to hold. It's like my mind is telling me he will make it all better.


    He's all I think about. He's on my mind ALL the time. Sometimes I'll sit in a lesson and my tutor will notice that I'm day dreaming. He will give me a nudge ot too to try and get me to snap out of it.


    What should I do? I want to get over it and I don't ... can anyone else relate to this problem?


    Any advice would help.


  9. Hiya guys!


    listen, I have this 'friend' who is such a girly girl freak!! She thinks any gurl like me who likes football, music and climbing should be a boy.


    I was watching match of the day 2day and she said 'god! why are u watching football it's S***!?' She said I should be a boy!


    Now she's a mega flirt! I mean the biggest flirt u have ever seen. So do u guys like girly girls? she loves pink and has these little handbags and everything. People tell me to be myself around boys and that it's attractive, I never get flirted with but Louise! she gets flirted with a lot.


    She tells people we're sisters (which we aren't) and says I'm the tomboyish one and she's the girly one!!!!


    Personally anyone that girly gets on my nerves, what do u guys look for in girls?

    Just curious. I don't want to ruin my image. But if being girly helps relationships then should I change? I don't know anything about football I don't even know who are playing half the time but I love watching it! It's great


    also can anyone tell what I need to know about footie I love it but don't understand it I'm from the UK and support Arsanel ... thats good right?

    Ashleigh xx


    P.s I know how to spell the team I suppot but it comes accross as *beep* on my preivew (hope that makes sense)

  10. Okay,

    It was my b-day last week and so my my firends decided to take me skiing this week once she had been paid.


    We went skiing and we had to have lessons for health and safety. We was good at first , we had great teacher. It wasn't ice it was more of a carpet kind of texture.


    I was scared because we had to ski down hill and it was slippery. He wanted me to stop half way down the hill and jump. I tried and couldn't stop and crashed right in to him at the bottom of the hill he grabbed me tight and I grabbed even tighter


    I was mega embarressed! he was really cute. I said sorry over and over again and said 'don't worry it's kool!' He smiled at me and I was still feeling stupid!!!! I felt no feelings towards him at all. NONE!


    Later in the bar my mate had gone to her cabin for a lay down, I saw my instructor we was alone in the changing boots area. He began chatting and I slowly fell for him. He was about 23 and I'm 17. He was so sweet and he leaned towards me and kissed me and said 'you are the most prittiest girl I have ever seen, I love you ...' he kissed me again and I was shocked! I love him too all though I have only met him!!!!!


    I have to go home tomorrow and I live an hour away from him. My friends doesn't know. What should I do? I love him. Is it love or what?


    He's great at skiing I held on to him a few times because I scared of slipping. I didn't expect this at all!

    Laura x


    Please help!

  11. Hiya peeps,

    Thats easy enough to say, but your brought up to respect your elders and do what they say. I think that till your 16 your influenced by your parents attitude towards you and theres nothing you can do because apart of them is under your skin.

    It's so hard to know what to do. I want t do my own thing but what if its not good enough. What if people expect me to do better in life than what I want.

    I get visions in my head of people saying "Well she could have done a lot better for herself in life!" or "I can't believe she settled for this life style!"


    Lets say I wanted to be a hairdresser (this is an example only) and other people think God she could have done so much more.....I would feel bad that my friends and my family especialy aren't happy for me.

    This is so hard because I hate letting people down all though saying that I have done

  12. things turned out okay in the end. The money was not collected by anyone but it was taken back into the machine.

    Police did not clash it as a fraud and me and my dad was not charged.

    I just felt like I was stuck with no way out and all I was getting from people was a load of parenting attitude.It felt like most of you think I was stupid when talked about my situation with one another. So if you still think I'm having a fit over then fine think that. But I know what I ment and I know how I felt.


  13. and what...it takes how many people to tell me what to do. Sometimes it's too hard to face fears especially if your a real worrier.

    But most of you discussed this topic as though I wasn't here. You talked about it amongst yourselves and wrote it harshly.

    I bet there are times when you all havent told the truth. I don't care weather or not honesty is the best policy. I wanted some advice not for most of you too have a big fit at me over it.

  14. and what, you don't think I don't know all this! the fact is NONE OF YOU! are in my situation. So its easy for you all to sit back an say "tell the truth" ect... but at the end of the day I have too suffer for it.


    Do you think it's easy for me to go to school get yelled at come home get and get yelled at. Do you think im stupid or what! I didn't do it on purpose but I'm just not brave enough to take action. Try living my life and you will see exactly what I go through.


    Okay maybe there are times I get on with my mum. But it's rare she's she's in a good mood.


  15. Heya peeps,

    I hope you all had a nice weekend I'm sorry if I'm in the wrong forum for this issue but I couldn't see another forum suitable


    Anyway... I'm in my last yr in school now. I'm from the UK so imagine schools run differently to the US. But I have to do gcse's which give me an overall view of what colleges and universities I can go to.


    You have to have a C grade to get into most colleges and I'm getting C's and under. My mum said that My brother (when he was at school) couldn't cope in a classroom enviornment and thereforeeee her got poor grades. I think maybe I'm the same because I get nervous in a class room especially if we have to choose groups and I'm with people I don't get on with. I doesn't help either if your a natural born worrier


    My sister who did reasonably well at school got through college and university with no problem dispite my mum and dad saying she was far to stupid to go. However My mum always has said that "Jenny (my sister) and Eileen (my auntie) are the brains of the family. That hurts a lot because thats like saying me and my brother are the let downs.


    My mum seems to dislike members of both sides of the family if they have very skilled jobs. My sister is encouraging me a lot at school. She buys me text books I need and gives me usefull websites for info.


    I don't want to let anyone down but I fear that when I get my results back and people ask me what I got they with think I'm a disappointment and I could do better etc...


    To be honest I know I'm not going to be a perfect A star student. I don't know what to do because I want to go to college and uni so one day maybe my mum will say "Laura,Jen and Eileen are the brains of the family" But when she says that she's usually been sarcastic


    Everyone has told e they wont think any less of me if I failed all my exams but no matter how hard I try at school I don't seem to be improving at all.


    I'm on of these people who find studying easy at school if I'm with a teacher who is nice to talk to. But some at school are very bitter towards you and I know they mean well by it but it's not helping me.


    I'm just so scared about my results coming back that it will stop me from achieving my goals in life. I want to work in the technical computer department some were, but you have to have the brain of a scientist. My sister works with computers and I adore the life she has. She thinks her life style is boring but when I visit her in Bristol...it's so amazing.


    My brother even says how well she did to get there, and I want him to think the same of me 2. Does this make me an attention seeker though?

    I'm just so confused and pressured over all this.

    If you were in my shoes what would you do?

    Thanks and I'm sorry this is so long.

    Take care Laura x

  16. Heya peeps hope you all had a nice weekend,


    I just had my hair done yesterday I had dyed. But I'm worried about going to school now. you see I like my hair now but some times people upset me or say things to me that hurt badly.


    I'm not that confident at school. I sometimes snap at teachers or my friend sif I have been angered by something, but thats about as far as it goes. There is this boy who's black (don't mean for that to sound racist)

    but he's very open and rude. he likes to put people on the spot and loves to distract students in class just to annoy the teachers. Sometimes he's upset me with his comments and I have yelled at him. But then he says "Your been racist to me.You yell at me just because I'm black!" I wasn't been racist at all so I just shut up and sat down and didn't speak after that.


    But I'm scared someone will say something about me now I have had my hair done. I don't know what to do. I get nervous at school a lot and then it shows to much. What should I do?

    Laura xx

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