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Posts posted by heartbroken_f

  1. I wish that you were still mine

    wish that this time hasnt passed

    but i look to the future

    and fear it will come all too fast


    I still miss your love

    i still miss the way you made me smile

    nothing i seem to do from here on out

    seems to be worthwhile


    No one else compares to you

    even though you hurt me in an unimaginable way

    i cant let go of you

    how can i look to a brand new day?


    please let me trust you

    make it up to me in some way

    because i want to love you forever

    each and every day

  2. I found these lyrics by Britney Spears and they sum up what I'm feeling for the guy that I broke up with over one year ago...


    I thought that time would heal all wounds and that I would move on but I miss him so much more and I don't know if I will love anyone like I loved him...


    Every Time


    Notice me

    Take my hand

    Why are we

    Strangers when

    Our love is strong

    Why carry on without me?


    Everytime I try to fly

    I fall without my wings

    I feel so small

    I guess I need you baby

    And everytime I see you in my dreams

    I see your face, it's haunting me

    I guess I need you baby


    I make believe

    That you are here

    It's the only way

    I see clear

    What have I done?

    You seem to move on easy


    And everytime I try to fly

    I fall without my wings

    I feel so small

    I guess I need you baby

    And everytime I see you in my dreams

    I see your face, you're haunting me

    I guess I need you baby


    I may have made it rain

    Please forgive me

    My weakness caused you pain

    And this song's my sorry


    At night I pray

    That soon your face will fade away


    And everytime I try to fly

    I fall without my wings

    I feel so small

    I guess I need you baby

    And everytime I see you in my dreams

    I see your face, you're haunting me

    I guess I need you baby

  3. It's been one year and I still can't get over you

    I try with all my might but there's nothing I can do


    When I see other people I see your face

    No matter what I do, your image I cannot erase.


    I wonder whether you think about me, whether you regret what you've done

    But then on the other hand I think about what you said and how I was shunned


    My life revolved around you and I believed you would be true

    But then you just decided to lie to me way out of the blue


    I would have given up everything to spend forever with you

    But now that I can't trust you anymore, letting go was the right thing to do


    I hope you regret what youve done and somehow still think of me

    Because knowing that in my heart will ultimately set me free...


    Wishing things were different...


  4. I totally agree with you empathy. It is so hard to totally let go of someone and never contact them again when they meant the world to you. The guy I loved for 4 yrs (and still do to this day) betrayed me, but at one stage he was my everything. Just thinking about him brought a smile to my face and simply speaking to him would make my day.


    It has been almost one year now that I have endured NC and there are times when I struggle to maintain that - times when I just feel like picking up the phone and calling him or writing him an email just because I feel it. It is the hardest thing to do to stay away from him but I do it because I've been hurt. He ruined my world and never even apologised - so if he wanted me back, I will let him make contact with me (it's sad to say but I probably would forgive him if he wanted to come back into my life).


    The NC concept is a good idea to prove that love just isn't enough sometimes, but damn it hurts like nothing else. So for all of you doing that right now, take each day as it comes and hopefully there will be sunshine after the rain...

  5. I can relate to where you are coming from - except that I don't really feel a jealousy for friends that constantly date. I just feel a longing to be where they are - and that is happy and secure in a relationship. I have been hurt so many times before and I think if I was only given the chance, I could make someone really happy. I would appreciate them and hopefully they too would appreciate me.


    I don't know why others are so lucky when it comes to dating. At one stage, I thought I was too shy and that I should be a bit more open, but when I did that I came on too strong so to speak. And when I was myself, people thought I was an ice queen or too introverted. So I never seem to win and it seems extremely difficult to strike that balance. But maybe one day someone will be attracted to me because they simply like me.


    Just don't go changing anything about your personality to suit others. If they don't like you as you are, they're probably not worth your time.


    Good Luck

  6. Well, I knew a guy online for years and I was willing to wait however long was necessary to meet him. But things didn't work out according to plan and now it seems we'll never meet.


    It all depends on the circumstances and whether or not you two are just friends or wishing to build a life together. If it is the former and live too far away from each other, send some pics or talk on webcam in the meantime. And if you love the person romantically - well then you may just want to organise to meet each other in the flesh a little bit sooner. Take a chance...

  7. Thanks for the advice. The only thing with that scenario (me asking him out to coffee) is that I'm extremely shy. I've never asked a guy out in my life and if I did have the nerve to do that and he said no, I would have to face him all the time at work. Perhaps I can talk to him and during a casual conversation ask him if he's seeing someone, but then I'm afraid that he would think I really like him. And if he doesn't like me - it's rejection all over again.


    I wish I had the opportunity to go to coffee with him because then I could ask most of the questions I want to ask, but I keep having the wrong people ask me out to coffee. For example, a guy friend at work who I do not like romantically wanted to have coffee with me after work. He said that we could chill out and get to know each other better, but I said no because I have no feelings for him in that way. Of course I felt cruel etc doing that because I have been rejected so many times before but it's a classic example of people liking me that I don't like and me liking people that don't like me.


    Will I ever find that match and could this guy that I have feelings for be 'the one'?

  8. It's been 10 months since I broke off a 4 yr relationship with a guy I loved with all my heart, but I think that I am finally starting to fall in love with somebody else.


    I don't know if I can call it 'love' yet because love is such a deep and meaningful word. But a few weeks ago, I noticed this new guy at work who is so friendly and so sweet that I'm just so smitten with him. Whenever he talks to me and I look into his eyes, I feel this warm fuzzy feeling inside and I haven't felt that way for a long time. I've also noticed that I get nervous and fidgety whenever he's near and I have no idea as to whether or not he feels the same way.


    Unfortunately we don't get to see each other on a regular basis (due to the shifts that we work) but how do I get to know him better? How do I get a chance to have some one on one time with him? And how do I find out is he's dating someone else or not? I really feel as though I 'm falling in love with him but I don't want to be disappointed all over again. I don't want to put my heart out on the line if it's not worth it because I've been hurt way too many times before....


    So, what do I do? Do I continue to wear my heart on my sleeve or forget the whole thing because I'll end up hurt anyway? Any advice would be appreciated.

  9. I agree with all of you. This 'place' (if you want to call it that) is addictive and whenever I'm on the internet, I always make sure to visit this web site and read other people's comments. Unfortunately, I don't always get the time to respond to the messages that I want to respond to, but I think it's great that they have this messageboard going. Hopefully people will continue to come here and help others out, including me!

  10. As some of you may or may not know, I have posted a few messages in regards to a guy I loved with all my heart. The relationship lasted for almost 4 yrs and I believed he was the guy I was going to marry. But after he cheated and lied to me, I couldn't find it within myself to forgive or trust him again. So I ended the relationship and told him to never contact me again.


    Almost one year on though, he still hasn't contacted me. He always said that no matter what happened in our lives he would do everything he could to stay in touch with me and he has not stuck to his word. He has not called, visited or emailed me and I am still feeling as miserable as the day I told him goodbye. Although he hurt me more than words can describe, I still long for him. I miss him so badly and sometimes I feel like picking up the phone and dialling his number just so I can hear his voice. But my pride tells me not to and I constantly remind myself that he lied to me.


    What I want to know is how do I get over him? How do I move on and leave the past in the past? I still think about the moments we shared and the happy times that we had and cry endlessly. I feel like I will never love anyone again like I loved him and even though he cheated on me, I believed he was my soul mate.


    Why do I feel this way and will I ever find a new love who will replace him?

  11. That was a fabulous poem. You are really talented and you can conjure up strong emotions in readers as you did with me. Please keep up the great work!!!

  12. I wish I had the answer to that question as well, but alas I don't. When I was cheated on I had to draw the confession out of my then love interest and quite frankly it was like drawing blood from a stone..it wasn't pretty.


    Maybe guys don't fess up to their dirty deeds because they want to hang on to a secure relationship while seeing someone else. Or, because they want to appear the caring and faithful type in front of their friends when they simply are lying bastards. No one likes to be exposed for what they really are - even cheaters. So maybe it's the fear of people knowing what they're really like that makes them afraid of producing a confession...

  13. You hurt me like no one else has ever hurt me. Till this very day I still cry over you and wish for this pain to just go away. I go to sleep each night with tears in my eyes and I can't believe how you lied to me for four years. That time of my life has been lost forever and I can never get them back - and that is all because of you. You had my heart in the palm of your hand and you threw it away like some trash. I loved you with every fibre in my body and yet you lied to me and cheated on me just so you could enjoy a fling with someone you weren't even dating. Why did you claim to love me when you were simply playing me for a fool? Do you know how much pain I am going through? I bet you don't...Sometimes I question whether I will ever get over you because you hold the key to my heart and I need to be freed from your chains. They are suffocating me and I can't move on with my life. I don't give other guys a chance because somewhere within the depths of my soul, I am waiting and hoping that you will apologise and tell me it was all a mistake. I am hoping that you will keep your word and tell me that we are destined to spend the rest of our lives together...But that is all a dream. You don't love me and you never have because you have caused me so much grief and inflicted so much pain. I just hope that this pain subsides and one day I can stop crying a river each and every night...


    I need some closure...

  14. Wow. That poem was magnificent. It summed up all the emotions I felt when I went through my break up last year.


    Glad someone could sum them up as well as that.

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