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Posts posted by msphatbooty

  1. hi guys, there is this guy that i really like, and we have great sex together. The problem is that i am running out of tricks, but he says he has more up his sleeve and he is trying to get me totally hooked on him. Well i want him totally hooked on me, so do you have any advice on some spine tingling new sex tricks that i can try that would really get him hooked on me.

  2. i know that you say you love her and want to be with her, but we should never love anyone more than we love ourselves. so why not get out and try to enjoy being single. it is not going to make you feel any better sitting around not doing anything. and if something is meant to be it will be. what if she does meet someone and decides she does not want to be with you, then you have wasted valuable time and feelings. get out and if nothing else it will take your mind off of things for a while. good luck

  3. i know that you said you were fairly young so first i want to tell you to make sure that when you do have sex that it is something you want to do and that you are not just doing because you think that is what you are supposed to do, also please please please make sure it is somebody worth your time. you dont want to look back on your first time with regret. trust me i started having sex when i was 14 with a 23 yr old man, needless to say i regret it with every fiber of my being but oh well. also i work with stds and hiv/aids so i understand the concern about risks out there and when you do decide to have sex please protect yourself because unfortunately there are people in the world who do not care about themselves thereforeeee they could careless about you. so you care enough for yourself to protect yourself. i am not sure how much of a concern this is for you or how young you are but there is a prevention hotline you can call 800-234-8336, or there is an std/hiv hotline 800-227-8922, or you can go on the web to link removed. i wish you the best and remember make sure it is right. and you will know because you will feel happy and content you will not feel pushed into it.

  4. i totally agree with gilgamesh. and i dont want to come down on you to hard because i understand that you are depressed and are hurting, but at the same time think how bad it must have hurt your boyfriend to know tha someone he loved, respected, and trusted could betray him in such a manner. i mean put the shoe on the other foot, if it would have been him that did it we would be bashing him up calling him every name in the book. i work for an std and hiv/aids hotline so now i am going to say how i feel about the unprotected sex, what in gods name were you thinking. luckly chlamydia is simple to cure with an antibotic, what if this guy would have hiv, then you would have been responsible for possibly passing that on to your boyfriend (someone that you love). i am sorry that you are hurting but i hope this was an eye opener for you and that you will not make another mistake like this. i also hope that in the future you will guard your life a little better by using a simple condom for protection.

  5. i noticed that your topic has gone unanswered, but i think maybe a lot of us are just as confused with this situation as you are. at first i was thinking she was just trying to hold on to you and string you along, but then i was thinking why would she leave half of her stuff at your place. maybe she really does need sometime to collect herself and she doesnt want to lose you. that is not advice it is just a possiblity. hang in there.

  6. you know it is funny we ask for advice but it is very rare that we take it. we usually do what we want anyway. i have been in alot of very bad relationships, and i have been in a relationship with two married men (the first guy lied i didnt know he was married). I am not one of those women who seek married men, it just happened as you say. i can say one thing eventhough i knew the guy was married we were together for a year and a half and i have never been treated so good in a relationship. i felt like i was a princess. the relationship was very open and honest, i mean we had nothing else to hide i already knew he was married. like i said being with him was wonderful he was wonderful i was constantly being showered with i love you's and hugs and kisses (something i am not used to). but things started to go bad when i wanted him all for myself i didnt want him to go home to her anymore, i didnt want him sleeping in the same bed with her, i just wanted me and him. so then he gave me the spill about staying there for his daughter, i said bring her too. i love that little girl just as much as he did. but he never wanted to move away he kept putting me off. so what i think is if this man makes you happy then that is very wonderful, but at some point you will want him all for yourself and i think you should find out if that is a possiblity because if not then you have to make the decision do you really want to grow old being someones mistress or do you want someone to grow old with you.

    i wish you all the love your heart and your hands can hold!!!!

  7. okay first let me ask you are not leading this person on in anyway are u? cuz you cant except phone calls or listen to this person in anyway. because for someone trying to hold on to a relationship they will look for any avenue as a way of getting in. so i mean cut all ties. also your new boo must do the same. they can not listen to any stories the ex comes up with completely ignore her. then if that fails start pulling out the big guns. get a restraining order to block visits or unwanted calls. and then everytime contact is made call the police and they will arrest the ex. trust me it will stop after a jail visit.

  8. the reason i am advising on this situation is because i have been there and done that. now i am in yet another stupid relationship, but that is not important. you have to let go you have to let go of the idea of friendship also. because that is just an outlet for them to continue to be in your life. i was with my boyfriend for 4years came home the day after christmas and found a woman in my house. it drove me temp. insane, cops where called the whole nine, but after that he wanted to be friends i said okay saying that i didnt want to throw four years down the drain but in actuality i didnt want to let go eventhough i had been betrayed so i looked at friends as being my way to staying in his life. and you know what friends turned into having sex together and spending the night together and me keeping my feelings involved and you know what. you guessed it he did again i caught him with a female at his job. so it is up to you on what to do i just wanted you to know what FRIENDS can really mean. take care and be strong.

  9. here is my dilmena, i am in a relationship and my boyfriend has a lot of money and so of course women flock to that. now i know he is cheating i am not a stupid girl. there are too many calls from women and too many lies being told to explain his whereabouts. since i have been with him my lifestyle has become very comfortable, but i also care for him a great deal we were best friends for 3 years before we started an intimate relationship (that is why i know he is cheating, he has done it before). should i stay in this relationship and continue my comfortable living style and just suck it up, or do i leave and become lonely again.

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