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  1. I know exactly how you feel. I am your lost twin! I felt like I was writing that post up there. The thought that I will end up with Mr. Wrong or Mr. I-had-no-choice-because-if-not-I-will-be-alone-forever or Mr. Almost Right completely FRIGHTENS me. I want to marry the "one" - I truly believe there is one person for every person out there (personal opinion) but how do I know that's my "one" ... everyone tells me "just take the risk" "don't find yourself saying shoulda coulda woulda" but I do! How do I know I am choosing the right one? What if I find out too late that he was not the "one"?? I never take the risk... I dont want to "break the friendship" ... I'm afraid of getting hurt but yeah the only way to ever know is to take the risk. Love is a risk. (I should be telling MYSELF this) LOL... what can I tell you? I, like you will eventually have to jump head-first *sigh*
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