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Everything posted by BlackBirdy

  1. Day 1 I had a dream about him last night, more vivid than the other two I've had. I could actually smell his cologne and his skin. It's freaky. I have never dreamt so much about an ex before. It's upsetting.
  2. Back to the beginning: Day 0. It was my birthday today and the ex texted me to wish me happy birthday. It was a very nice, friendly text. I replied with a "thanks!" but it has set me back in the NC challenge as well as the healing process. started thinking about how to get him back again, where yesterday I was all "it's his loss!" and "there's plenty more fish in the sea!" UGH.
  3. Day 7 Wow. a whole week. Well, I made it! A few tears and two dreams about Mr Nice Guy. I've been through this process so many times in the last year, it kinda feels easy. But unlike with the last 3 guys, the last of which I moved on from in record time, Mr Nice Guy was someone I really... really cared for. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't still think of being back together with him. But I am also able to see myself being friends with him. After all, there are a lot of things about him that perhaps aren't right for me. He's a bit shorter than me, for one! heheh. Sigh. I do miss you still, Mr Nice Guy. But less and less with each passing day.
  4. Day 5 Still in a daze, a little bit. Thinking about places we went together, things we did.. make me feel like I still can't accept it all, its waaay too... unbelieveable, incomprehensible. But on a positive note, I'm gonna have an awesome weekend!
  5. Day 4. I had a dream about him last night. Ahh, so this is where I am now in the 'healing' process. I have only had dreams about exes I really cared about after the breakup. The last 3 guys I dated before this one, who I shall dub Mr Nice Guy, I didn't dream about them AT ALL. I miss you Mr Nice Guy.
  6. Day 3. He sent an email. He's so nice. Why is he so bloody NICE. Why can't he be a jerk! I didn't reply. Yay me.
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