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Everything posted by JessieK05

  1. Hmm..let's see here. Your probably just still upset because that was your first love. I had the same problem with my boyfriend whom I dated for a year and a hafl then dumped me. Part of the healing process is you hav eto resist the urge to talk to them if your not over it yet, talking to them just makes it worse and you start blaming yourself for things, like with the bad kissing. I'm sure you weren't a bad kisser and even if you were I'm sure he wouldn't have been that shallow to dump you over that. He was probably just acting like that because he may have felt guilty for dumping you or he may have noticed you were having fun at the dances adn stuff and maybe thought you didn't care aboutt eh break-up. Guys are funny like that. I may be wrong but this is just what I experienced with my break-up. My ex always tried to blame things on me like i wanted to break up when i didnt, because they feel guilty even though it was thier idea. It's weird but hopefully the litlte info i gave you helped and I hope you feel better
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