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Posts posted by lovelyme4u17

  1. i think that it would maybe help if you told your bf this, and ask for his input, and make it a friendly conversation, dont get into an argument. (it looks bad on my part lol) maybe you might feel better. i understand what you are oign through though went through the same thing. do not ever be able to pm me or im me, i would be more than glad to talk to you. if this doesnt work, you could always talk to me, or someone else here. we are here for you, thats what this is for. do not ever be afraid to ask a question. have you tried talking to the guy about it? maybe that might work as well, and you know he has a gf so maybe you could bring it up in the conversations you have. he sounds like a very understanding person, and maybe he will understand and feel the same. as i said before DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK you will never know if you dont. i pray that you will have help in dealing with this subject and that everything will turn out ok. if it doesnt, than at least you ccan say you tried and attempted it. you can not receive credit for things that you do not do. well best of luck!!!! and i hope everything goes ok. and iexpect a full report!!

  2. most women obsess over their hair so complimenting it will drive them crazy.


    is that a problem? yes it take hours to do it, but in the end its all worth it right? i mean the guy benifits as well right?

  3. Friends? Yes, but i dont want to, i think a corner would be better. What happened? I refused to get a cam, and he got all pissed off at me and told me i dont trust him so i dont need him. I felt that i should have a say in this but he says i am not letting HIM have a say. Are all guys like this? Or have i just gotten all the s**tty ones? Is it me? Can it be what im doing? Im sick of all the guys that dump me for snobs, or *h*res, why the hell do i always get these ones? Why cant they accept me, or my feelings?

  4. can i? it would make me feel so much better. this guy i fell in love with i will never be able to have a relationship with because he doesnt love me anymore i screwed up another relationship AGAIN!! so i must say goodbye to my happy world, and hello to my dark, saddened, crying myself to sleep world. i feel so alone, i miss him but dont know how to get him back my family doesnt get along well AT ALL, they are always fighting and calling the police on each other, it makes me feel so sad that im not doing my job as a grandaughter, aunt etc. i dont have a mom, she died because of an abusive father, so i have no one to turn to and the only thing i know is depression. can i just sit here and die?

  5. i have actually been through the same hun i have been there and almost died from it here is my story: i graduated high school at 16 and had a shot a going to harvard, my father started drinking and began to beat us to the verge of death, my mother died from it, and i lived through the experence because god had a plan for me, now i help young adults going through child abuse and got my degree in medicine and am a pediatric nurse, you know the way i got out of it? i had a boyfriend at the time (similiar to your story) and he had been pursistant enough to give me a second chance at life, i believe you could give her a second chance at life if you help your girlfriend, and maybe you could save a life!

  6. if you really need to talk hun i am here for you, i have been through the same thing, you can email me at email removed and if not then thats ok if you would like to talk futhermore about this, go ahead and give me an email! i'd be glad to hear from you!

  7. you know if nobody can see how great of a person you are, then screw em (no not really) i do have to admit a few things i hate about going on dates with guys


    1: they pretend to listen

    2: they compliment you only because their friend said to

    3: they arent intimate

    4: try to rush you into things

    5: they TRY to be funny!!!


    if you really like her compliment her and MEAN it, if you get into a conversation, try to look at her often to make sure she is confortable with the situation if she looks like she isnt, change the subject to something that is open like 'what is your favorite thing to do?' or something along that line (although that one was kind of cheesy dont say that) if you want to go out with a girl just to get her into bed, thats what a bar is for. try to be open and honest when taking a woman out to date. im sure you are a very honest, kind and caring man, if other women cant see that, dont worry im sure god has that special someone saved up for you just try to be patient!!

  8. i actually dated a bi guy once, scared me but i dated one, gay guys arent really that bad, if you are a go getter and all i have to say is give him a chance and dont be afraid to talk to him about it, you never know, you could loose the man of your dreams no matter if hes bi or not so go get him!!

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