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Everything posted by bumpties

  1. Day 1 again. The longest I have lasted is 5 days. So pathetic! *sigh* I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry all today. So weak. Lets try this again! Aiming for 5+ days this time.
  2. Day 2. I was not feeling too well at work (cold weather, skipping breakfast, work related RSI and just not sleeping enough), that plus the emotional pain was too much. Took the day off work. I literally stopped (out of sheer hopelessness) and took about half a minute before being able bring myself to move at work multiple times. Went home and rested a bit then read this forum and feeling much better. I just needed to be reminded of certain things (eg. he's gone now, he made his decision and there is no going back. Best thing I can do is to respect his decision of my dignity.). Not looking forward to work tmr, have to caught up on all the paper work that was suppose to be done today. =/
  3. Day 1: I accept the challenge. Had a down moment day (too many happy couples for my taste), and I wandered around places we use to visit as a couple hoping to re-live those memories. Sent messages to myself pretending to be from him (saying he's gone a long trip and will not be back anytime soon but I should not neglect looking after myself). After language class later - I felt a lot better and clear headed. Being with other people in a positive environment really helps.
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