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Everything posted by kerri_nicole

  1. Back to day 1 AGAIN I did it again and I feel terrible after like I am letting myself down. I dont know what someone like him who clearly has no interet in me or m kids and treats us badly has such a hold over me! I just want to get past it. Anyway here is to me trying to stay strong
  2. Day 1 This is exactly what I needed, thank u!! Two years now nearly trying to get over ex, back and forth mind games infidelity etc. We have 2 kids so its a bit more difficult but he never bothers with them and they are the ones getting hurt. I sent him a letter saying he is entitled to see them but he has to go through a lawyer and get it in writing and on set days/times etc. That way the kids have a routine and I have a life too and there is no more messing around with not seeing them for a few weeks then turning up etc. I really want this to work I want to move on he is no good for us at all, I have not been happy for so long I dont even think I lvoe him anymore but two years of infidelity and hurt can do alot to your mind and I just want it over now and this really is the only way to break the cycle.. Hopefully this will give me the strength to keep going reading other peoples posts who are well on their way
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