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Everything posted by jasba

  1. jasba


    I'd say you are not confused at all---in posting to this forum you are reaching out and I say trust your instincts! If you feel intimidated you are being abused. It is amazing how society believes that if a woman is not battered she is not abused! I am going thorough an extremely difficult time right now and do not know where to turn. My estranged husband is using my kids to keep me under control and although he has never hit me, either--I can tell you I feel extremely abused! And intimidated. And powerless. And afraid. If this is not abuse what is it? I have been with this man for over 20 years---I have absolutely NO training in counselling, but from my own experience, I would suggest you do what your instincts are telling yo to do---get out! Everyone deserves to be happy and everyone deserves to be respected. Good liuck and I hope this helps!
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