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Posts posted by zwarren

  1. Ok if you wanna gain weight you are gonna have to eat more. No matter what. Last August I started working out 5 times a week and taking protein shakes. I have put on 40 lbs. of muscle up to today. The more you workout/run/cardio workout the more calories you burn. So you are going to have to increase calorie consumption just to maintain your current weight. To do all that and gain weight you are going to have to increase calorie intake even more. More calories is the key. If you dont eat more you will never put on more muscle.

  2. Girls go through very different emotional situations. You were right not to go "nutty". Give her the space she needs but if she needs you be there for her. Let her know you still care for her, but you also respect her decisions. I think everything will work out for you. It seems to me like its just a phase. Remember give her space, but make it obvious that you still have feelings for her. After all you dont want her to think you have forgotten her or she might decide she needs to move on. You are in a much better situation than most other people on these boards. You have kept your cool and respected her wishes. Just keep on truckin Al.

  3. Being a jerk to you just out of the clear blue is an asshole thing to do. Dont let him put you down. Tell him about your new b/f who is more of a man than he ever was. If he is trying to make you feel bad ignore him or put it right back on him. If he wants you to feel bad he doesnt deserve your love. Sorry but thats my opinion on it. Its easier to say than do. Ive been through very similiar situations with my ex g/f.

  4. So true. All you can do is move on and keep livin life. Expect the worst and hope for the best. He might be right she could just be rebounding. Two and a half years is a long time. I doubt she has forgotten you. Maybe you should send her a card or a flower and apologize for what you did. Even if she acts like she doesnt care it will mean a lot to know that you are truly sorry for treating her wrong. Best of luck to ya.

  5. Thanks for your help.


    I think the biggest mistake I made was I tried very hard to get her back. If I had just eased off I think we would probably be going back out. She started acting very cruel to me because (my guess) I was every where she went. And it was almost like me begging for her back. It got so bad that one night she told me we would never happen again. She didnt truly mean it I dont think. I have backed off quite a bit now. And she is acting nicer to me. And she does still have feelings for me unlike she tells me. She hides them though. Her friend told me that hiding her emotions is her way of getting over me. Although her best friend doesnt even know why she is trying to get over me. What ive learned is girls are very complicated and sometimes the best solutions to problems dont always make sense.


    any other bits of advice?

  6. Yea when me and my ex broke up the 1st time we stopped talking and it hurt really bad. 2 months later when I thought I was over her and moving on she sends me an instant message. 2 days after that we are goin back out. They do call you when you least expect it. And if you really care for someone the feelings never really die. They just get pushed back. I hope everything in your life starts turning around cause it feels so lonely after a breakup. Im goin through it right now and I feel like sh*t.

  7. Ok me and my g/f broke up and I dont know why. She is seein some other dude now. We had been dating for a year and 8 months. And before that we had went out for a little over a year. She pushes down her feelings and emotions whenever im around now. She doesnt want to look me in my eyes and if she smiles or laughs she will change expressions quickly. I have tried everything it seems to win her back. I told her I want her to be happy but I wish that it was w/me. Okay now to my real problem, this guy she is seeing is a lier. He gives her all these corny b.s. lines. Like "I dont want you to break my heart," and "I love you." He has only known her for 2 weeks. He tells her stories of how he doesnt care what she did in the past w/me. And he tells her how a girl broke his heart by running back to her ex b/f. He is making it really hard for me to get back together w/her. Recently he sent me a threatening e-mail tellin me to meet him at her house. Well after I said ok. He tells Erin(my ex) that he didnt write any of that. Which is a f'n lie cause he replied to a message I wrote earlier. Well I tell her that he is liein to her and she doesnt believe me. How can I convence her that this guy lies to her? Alot of people told me the best thing to do is give her space and let her figure it out on her own. Does this really work? Because it is very hard for me to go a day w/out talking or writing to her. I really thought she was the one for me. Also I was thinking about singing/playing a song to her on an acoustic guitar. Would yall say thats a good or bad idea? If good, any songs yall would recomend I was thinking of a Good Charlotte or Rascal Flatts song.


    Thanx in advance,


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