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Everything posted by MonochromeExistance

  1. Thank you so much for all the advice on this subject, really appreciated. I guess it's all up to me now trying to be a nice guy and not being to shy and all that. Once again, thank you! -- /ME
  2. (a little late at responding, I know) Let me think. When I come to think of it, I told her that at some different times, both when she and her former b/f were together and after the breakup. Her reaction were somewhat similar at all times, nothing.
  3. Hey, Yeah, I agree, tough call. She does have a clue about my caring for her, I sort of told her that at one point. That I like her very much. To this she said nothing... I know I'm swimming in the deep end here and have no clue whatsoever, but probably she just wants to be friends, right?
  4. For the uninitiated, please see my previous post on this subject link removed . Now onto the real issue. It would seem like the girl described before really likes me but isn't sure I do. That much is clear. As it happens, she asked me out again today. For a date this coming week. If this isn't a sign of her liking me, then I don't know what it is. She wrote something along the lines of "if you want to, we could get together the next week". Don't get me wrong here, she IS single and she has appearently gotten over the loss now. So she is ready to move on. According to S4il, who kindly answered my last post, her asking me out like this is almost a direct welcome for me, is it not? Have I got this all wrong or am I standing in the doorways of Heaven? Not a clue really. Please, someone, help me out here!!
  5. Hello. Hopefully this belongs here as I really have no one else to ask. About a year ago I met this girl at school. I found her to be a very nice girl and I became really interested in her. At the time she had a boyfriend which made me feel very insecure about the whole thing as I didn't want her to know about my feelings for her (like I managed to hide those anyway). So all we did back then was talk. Sometimes we sent eachother mail and so on. With each day passing, I became more and more attracted to her, so I have had quite a hard time. Then, about four months ago, she suddenly asked me if I was doing anything for the weekend. As it happened I wasn't doing anything then and she asked if I wanted to go out for dinner and/or a movie some evening. Of course I wanted that and we went and had a nice time. I did however worry a lot because as it were, she had a boyfriend then. I guess you could call what we did a "date" of some sort. Since then, we started spending more time together (at school) and also exchanging email and so forth. I'm the shy (if not supershy) type and I am not really that good at dating and that stuff, hence the problems with understanding her signals. About two weeks ago I learned that she no longer had a boyfriend and she wasn't very happy about that. She sent me a mail telling me this and expressing her sorrow for the loss and so on. She wants to get over this and then she says that we maybe can do something together. I know I'm leaving out a great deal of info here, as it has been going on for almost a year and all the details are hard to remember, but does this mean that she likes me? Do I have a chance with this girl or is she just being friendly? She has told me that she sees me as a friend and so on, but I sense there is something more than friendship here.
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