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Everything posted by crazyman17

  1. what exactly is an orgasm. weird question but i seriously dont know
  2. how do i french kiss her corectly. im worried i might do something wrong and hurt her. is there a good way to, how much do i move my tongue, what do girls like. plz respond
  3. this is kinda imbarassing but i dont really know how or when to make a move to french or make out with her. how do i know if she is ready, besides asking her, if there is away. plz help
  4. i ave alot of friends that are girls and i cant tell if they r serious or if they r just being friendly. i get stuff like "luv ya" and "hi babe"," hey hun". and i dont know whta to do. i hope u can help me.
  5. :snipersmile: i dont know what to do. when ever my gf and i are alone somewhere she always seems nervous. what can i do to ease the tension.
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