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4 Love

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  1. Hello Everyone: how are you all? This is my first post. I just want to say does LLOVE now a days mean anything? should it not rule over everything in world? Is'nt are live a pusuit of Happiness? I have been in a relationship for the past 3 year, I love every bit of it. That is fine, what is the problem is that he is Catholic and I am muslim. For us we have decided that we both are not fundamentalist about you reglion so we both will keep your religion and raise your kids in both religion and when are kids are old enough they can decided what religion they want. We have a mutal respect for both of our religion.We have decided to just get married at the city, so we are not going to either side holy place.We both don't have a problem. The problem is both of your parents. Both of are parents are old school. His mom want me to convert to catholicism and my mom want him to convert Islam. My mom say, if he truly loves you, then this way he can prove his love you. Many other men in world have changed their relgion for the women they love. I don't find it fair on any round that someone should have to change faith that they have been raised in since birth. Cause, if they just change faith for someone that is not true acceptance of the faith. The only way that some can truly change faith is wanting to change and embrassing it on themself. I am so hurt from all this and I am lost cause of it. I have even though that i should leave everything and just start a new life. but running away from your problems is not a solution.
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