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Posts posted by krylon

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this in, sorry if it is.


    I was just wondering what you guys (and gals) think I should do about this:


    I've recently started talking to an old girlfriend (Roughly from 1-1/2 years ago.) She was my fourth girlfriend, but the first one I got intimate with, and the first one I had any feelings beyond a strong liking for. Plus shes' the only woman thats manged to entertain me on an intellectual level. We dated for about a year, everything went smooth until she started hanging out with this guy named John. I personally never gave it a second thought, but my friends started egging me on, I wasn't very mature at the time. Needless to say, I let it get to me and blew up at her over the phone. After I calmed down a bit, I told her I didn't like her hanging out with him, but it wasn't my place to tell her what to do. About a week later, she told me she wanted a break, so I ended it right there. I assume she hung out with the guy anyway, they started dating about a month after we broke up. Anyway, her parent's moved Accross the country (About 2000 miles away.) since she was living with them at the time, she went as well. I talk to her (On the phone and on the net.) shes' said a few things about how she ruined what we had, how she still loves me, how much of a jerk John was ect. Now then, on to my question. I've been debating with my self about wether or not this is just friendly banter or something I should persue. Should I or should I not spend the money on going to where she is? Would she react in a positive manner? There are a lot of questions I keep asking my self. The biggest one being is if I should try to move on (Again). Honestly, I don't think I moved on in the first place. It would take some saving up to go that far due to my financial situation, but I have it my head that I love this girl. Thanks, all responses will be appreciated.

  2. Honestly I didn't think about her for a good six months, then my friends started to bring her up and I began thinking about her. It's been about 9 months since we broke up. I think I did the NC a little too good, she contacted me and I still held it up. Now shes been dating another guy for about 8 months maybe a little more. The NC needs to be done with extreme care to much or too little can be bad.

  3. I think if you apply your self to something you'll be great, you have a higher purpose attitude. Turn that thinking energy into motivation for something you like doing, and going to college isn't a must. Don't follow the beatn' path and you'll find what your looking for.

  4. In the moon light bitter-sweet intimacy, the twilight hour reflects from yours to mine. Like some wizards spell both entranced in the impending doom, beautiful the moment is. Oblivious to anything but the twilight we share.




    I don't think it's completely done, but i'm gonna' keep it that way. Gives the reader something to think about, in my opinion that is.

  5. Well...I was with this drunk girl last night and I put it in with no condom on. Well, after about 5 minutes I was about ready to bust, so I pulled it out, but I was still hard so she put it back in. At this point it finally hit me, I needed a condom. Now i'm paranoid as hell about an STD and there is a slim possibility shes pregnant. (Of course the pregnant thing is just a guess.) I'm thinking I should go get tested ASAP for an STD, just wanted some insight.

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