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Posts posted by Chillyfrog

  1. My boyfriend has done some things to hurt me latley. He told his x online that he missed her and that I was a bitch, then when asked about it he told me he lied to her to get her off his back, His so called friend thats a girl talks shit about me and trys to comfort him, he says hes not friends with her anymore...and then yesterday i asked him why he just dosent make new friends and he saids because you would hate them all...I dont hate them all just two. I dont know any of them and never met any of his firends that are girls..It is making me not trust him and i wanna leave him I think he is sneaky he says he will stop.. but will he..what woud you do?

  2. I am going threw the same exact thing, I cant trust my boyfriend and I am soooo jealous of other girls wehn i see him look i get so pissed, did he ever give you a reason to feel this way.. I stare at guys too in front of him so he dosent think its okay. I need to get over it maybe consuling i dunno if you wanna talk you can im me on aol...maybe we can help eachother get threw it ---my aol im=blissfulbeauty2



  3. Okay so when i was yonger, I saw a praying mantis for the first time.

    I was with my grandfather who had useually been the one who took care of me he was like my bestfriend. So i saw this bug and I was like wow that is so cool what is that I said to him when i was a child, he responded its a praying mantis...I was so excited about it. So come today I am now 22 I think about him alot, and the past 3 months have been so hard for me..this morning my boyfriend and I had gotten in a fight and i felt like it was the end and I was having scary thoughts, I went to lay down in my bed and looked up at the window, and there on top of the window was a praying mantis. I know it sounds weirs but serioulsy guys i have never seen one of these agian scince that time i was with him and we were so excited about seeing one and now i saw one agian how maney years later after he passed...Makes me feel good beacuse right away i thought of him.

  4. last night i was on the phone with my isurance company when my boyfriend told me he was going in the basement to find a shirt. When i finished my phone call i yelled for him but he didnt answer me so i decided to go downstairs and look i went all the way back to the end of the basement where the is a little separate room where you can store stuff and the door was locked and he was in there i knocked on the door and asked him to let me in he said hold on cause he couldnt find the light ( but the light was on!) when he came out of the room and opened the door he was in a complete frenzey and his pants were undone he also had his computer with him...i got pissed and walked away he said he was masterbating..but was he really or was he talking to other women on there

    he says he was sorry but i dont understand to me that is like a mental problem if you have to lock yourselkf in a room while your gf is upstairs. what do you think?

  5. I have been dating my boyfriend for only 7 months , we moved in together and i have caught him in 2 lies already, but yesterday just toped it off, I was on aol im and this girl sent him a message saying that she saw his ad on a dating service and wanted to know if he wanted to talk...She asked if he lived were we do and we do how would she know this? She also added that he was on the dating service just yesterday. This is killing me inside i probalyu should leave but he insited that he has done nothing wrong I mean he flipped out cuz he was so pissed that i blamed him for it he was really upset and said hed never do that to me...what should i believe what should i do......why would some random girl lie on aol? lol 0X

  6. Okay so just a little while ago my bf and i got in a fight over me saying that he wants me to wear skirts and shorts and then last night he kinda implied that he was used to the sex and he took forever to "do his deed".

    I told him today it pissed me off so he flipped out in a rage and smashed the remote and then he grabbed my wrists really hard and shook me then shook the chair he has done this more then once. is this abuse?

  7. no you are not being immature being with a man who has a child and the mother is like going into a family thats already made. It is hard for you to accept this the child is not yours and that bothers you. So if you are not ready to accept his child and the family then break it off and go find someone who is single and has no children so u can have your own family

  8. he is hiding something! Why will he not let you go in that bar? He sould not care if he was not doing anyhting of course his friends will stick up for him. I feel like im being mean but i really think soemthing is up and im just telling you this being i have had it happen to me. Has anything like htis ever happen before. why dont you get a group of girls up and go with them and talk to the dancers when they come around see if they know who he is (they will tell you, they just want there money thats all, they dont care whos relationship or what guy the hurt) ASk them! If they tell you or they know him by name there is a problem and yes if i were you id be pissed its ok to go to a strip club once in a GREAT while for a guy but to make it a habit is bad tell him this it is not right believe me there is no reaison why he should be there all the time!

  9. how old are you? and how long were you guys togther before you moved in with him? My bf and I are having the same issue He says things that hurt so bad but i do love him What i am doing is playing his game tell him that if he dosent start listening and loving your leaving im telling you guys need a wakeup call trust me and if he loves you he will want to work it out as for you feeling insecure we all do as women and men know that it is our soft side so they push it beieve me! Dont be insecure be beautiful try your hardest to make yourself feel good

  10. Right now I have the worst depressioon in the world. I feel lik ei am at rock bottom with myself, It is affecting everything I have no job beacuse I cant keep them for some reason, Its affectin gmy love life and my family life, I feel like my world is crashing down I have thought about sucide but i dont think i would really bring myself to that, I have nervous breakdowns all the time and anything I EVER think about is negitive, I am to the point were i hate the world. I fear working beacuse I fear faliure and i think people will look at me like im stupid if i cant do the job I fear my family thinking that I am a faliure they already do. I try to help people out the best i can i do things for people so im not cold hearted. My mom and I have a messed up relationship too she has a 3 bedroom house and when i was on the verge of being homeless she said i couldnt live with her. I guess in a way im sick of feeling like this I JUST WANT HAPPINESS THATS ALL! I wanna be confident and believe in myself but thats all ripped away! what is happening? is this beacuse i am only 22 and tryin gto find my place in the world or is this a serious illness?

  11. I have been with my boyfriend for a couple months, so far i have had 3 things go wrong inour relationship, he has told his x i was a bitch and that he missed her when i confrtonted him about it he said he lyed to get her off his back. Then i found something else that was not to appealing but that was before we dated. I always have this werid feeling that he does things behind my back, I am with him 24-7 and we are always together.

    I feel like he is the person i will spend my life with and i want him to marry me, but on the other hand i want to know that things are real. Am i overreacting and being insacure or should i trust my gut? He also gets really weird and moody sometimes after sex and tells me that he will change and treat me better.

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