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Everything posted by burefed1607306446

  1. I posted a note here before, but something happned last night. we were dating for 3 month and two weeks ago she decided to break up. We both took it really hard becasue we cared for each other a lot, but it was not enough time to develop love. She was and is crying every day and asked me to gove her some time and space. I did and have not contacted her for over a week. at the same time, I do what to get back together, but I like to respect her wishes for time and space. however, last night I run inti her at the party. It was very strange, at first we did not know what to say to each other (and she is a very talkative person...) We just exchanged some meanigless words and walked apart. later, I walkeu up to her and we start talking. she said that she can not stop crying and her friends just forced her to come to this party to get out of the house. we had a nice and short chat and I gave her a little kiss on a forehead and told her that I had to go. What do I di know? Do I call ger again? How should I handle the approaching Valentine? It is very hard. Please help!
  2. Thank you so much for your help! I will use your adivice!
  3. I would like to get together with a girl that I have dated (she broke up with me). She has been crying a lot a saying that it is very, very difficult for her, but she must do it becasue she cares for me a lot, but does not love me. She was very clear that he need time and space. I will give her few weeks, but I am not sure if there is a chance? WHat are the unspoken signs that there is a possibility in the future? She is certainly took it very hard altough she initiated it. I am a bit cofused by that and not sure what to do. I would like to give it a nother chance, but do not want to hurt her feelings is this is final. Please help!
  4. I was dating this women for only 3 month, but the relationship was very intense. A week ago she broke up with me saying that something at the gut level just does not feel right to continue. At the same time she just can not stop crying and keep saying that this is just too difficult for her becasue she cares so much about me. After thinking about it, I told her that she is probably right, altough that we really care for each other, we just not in love at this time. I suggested a friendship becasue I really do like her as a person and want to be her friend. However, she repllied crying by saying that she need time and space becasue she is devastated. Also, my friend run into her friend and she confirmed that she is really, really upset about it. Here is my questions. Given the fact that we were only together for 3 month, I would like to get back together to see if this will work. I feel that if we are both upset about this, may be there is chance to make it work . Does it sound right or I am just having hard time getting over break up? How do I approach this subject with her while respecting her wishes of time and space. Thank you for your help!
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