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Everything posted by baden

  1. Day 14 Well NC is over...she called me and being a heart of jello I answered and we talked about general stuff. It was nice, but not sure what if anything it means. We didn't talk about us, but I think I got the closure I needed by not having our last conversation being a negative one. All I can do is be me and see how this plays out.
  2. I have found that most people take the easy way out for everything in life...just pure laziness to be honest. Others can't handle conflict even if its the healthy kind where you learn your partners boundaries.
  3. Day 8 Today I woke up angry more than sad. So I guess that is a start on the road to recovery. I am angry that she gave up when I was more than willing to work harder on the relationship. My hope is starting to run thin...
  4. Day 6 Well today my mind is playing tricks on me. I keep trying to figure out ways in my head to fix the problems we had, but I know there is nothing that can been done without her effort. Ahhh, looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. How weird is that?
  5. Day 4 The days keep getting tougher and tougher. The last words I heard from her was through a text message that said "I am not going to call you back later. considerate it over. We will salvage the friendship in the future, if possible." Of course I freaked out that day and tried to call her over and over until she finally answered and it was like ](*,)](*,)](*,) I fear her birthday that is coming up in late July. I will feel like crap if I wish her a good bday and I will feel like crap if I do nothing at all. I just want to love her and I guess the best way is by letting her go. Where is the sense in all of this...
  6. Day 2 Wow, first post in this incredibly long and great thread. I am the poster child of what NOT to do during a breakup and now struggling to pick myself up and move forward. I will never understand people that say they love and care for you and then wave as they walk away. Ahh well, time goes on and I shall too. Hope everyone is doing well today.
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