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  1. You sound like a very caring and sensible person. I am not able to offer much in the line of advice as I'm still working on relationship and mental health issues myself. I have learned that my relationship issues are due to several long-term negative experiences for which I had no control and not my mental health issues. I do know that I can control only myself and how I react and respond. I will say that I've come so far, it's remarkable. My hope for you is that you will discover the tools and support necessary to find your inner peace. It appears you are well on your way. More specifically, I hope that one day you will be able to stay in because you are content and want to relax or do those things that you enjoy. Never give up. I almost did many times. Had I done so I wouldn't have had the opportunities I now have to enjoy the simple things I love so much. Best of luck to you!
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