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Posts posted by Leonhart

  1. I kind of disagree, but it's kind of a 'which is first, the chicken or the egg' argument. I think the lack of empathy is an illusion, kind of like a bi-product of their deep seeded self-hate and yearning to be loved. I think assuming that they don't feel is anything for others is the most dangerous misconception.


    Although narcissist's act cruel and vicious at times, they're just like everyone else in that they want to be loved, however, they can never really feel loved because they hate themselves. Nothing anyone does will ever be enough for them so being in a relationship with a narcissist is like taking one "prove you love me" test after another.


    Personally, I think narcissism is one of the worst things a person can be affected with. It really does hurt a lot of people including the narcissist.


    That's nice.


    I am going by the Narcissistic PD in the DSM-IV. Not what layman's call "narcissism."


    Look it up.


    You'll find the lack of empathy a key trait in that PD.

  2. Guys, begin the conversation whenever possible to begin communicating as a lady should never make the first move. You will know if she is interested. Should she pass by or approach you first for a different reason, then your door is opened for you to continue talking or return to her at a later time to talk.


    This is sensible advice.


    Hard for us shy men with women, but definitely true.

  3. ^ I *hate* that pic you have as your avatar


    That's too bad. Most people love it. I often get comments on it. Good comments. Make no mistake, it will return!


    But for now, I'm using CartDog. Does that make you feel better?

  4. Hunny for someone who doesn't like photo's of themselves your very brave having your photo as your avatar.


    Your not ugly


    He is brave.


    I took mine down because I don't have the fortitude to parade my mug around for all the world to see.


    It takes guts, especially when you're down on yourself.

  5. being shy and being introverted are two different things....not even in the same leauge


    an introvert is a person who likes too spend time with themselves rather than be in a crowd of people, they ride solo and love doing things by themselves....i would know im an introvert, but i can be just as loud and outgoing as an extrovert i just choose not too at times.



    a shy person is an extroverted person whos afraid too venture out beacuse they think the worst before they even think the best.


    That's true, although you CAN be a shy introvert as well. Shyness hits both types.

  6. I thought I wrote the first post in this topic...


    I've had my share of "give up" topics too. But, as long as I live, I'll probably never truly give up. Not sure why; probably stubbornness. But it's how I am. I am too strong-willed to back down and let life win.


    I firmly believe that life needs to be grabbed by the neck, choked dizzy, then beaten into subjection until it is the way YOU want it. If you let life walk all over you, it will. So take a stand, crack your knuckles and grab that son of a ***** by the throat and don't let go until you get exactly what you want!

  7. I definitely acknowledge that soul mates are real. But how many people actually find theirs? Not many. Of course, those who sit back, complain and never do anything won't be the ones to find theirs. That much I know.


    As for what it is, quite simply... the other half of your soul. Pretty simple, eh?


    no obstacle, no storm, no Decepticon can destroy their inevitable union that will last either forever


    Not even Megatron???

  8. I don't know if I answered this or not.


    In answer to the original question, yes, it's a sin. An incredibly selfish one, at that. But it's by no means unforgivable or unpardonable, as the Augustinian belief purports. That's merely a Catholic invention to guilt people into staying alive. Just as there are many Catholic - and other religious - inventions devised to guilt people into going to church, etc.


    Anything that is not of faith is sin. That would encompass a lot more than mere suicide. Not that I'm condoning it, because I'm not. It's cowardly, extremely selfish and the easy way out, doubtless. If I can live with my pain, and many others who are hurting as well, then so can others. Life is short and pain doesn't last forever.

  9. Wilhelm, you admitted in several posts that you have attracted women in the past. Many of them are women that you found very attractive. Your problem isn't due to your appearance. I think your problem is that you don't approach enough women.


    A confident guy believes that he will succeed in any endeavor if he knows what to do and how to do it. He trusts that he has the knowledge and experience to get the results he wants. To approach women, a guy must be confident that he will succeed.


    It depends on my mood at the time, whether I believe I actually had their interest or not. If I'm in a good mood, then yes, all of their little, subtle body language and (occasionally) words were indications of interest. If I'm in a bad mood, then it was just mere coincidence; nothing more. Looking back on things, you can assume it either way... and to be honest, as Diggity always says, you'll never know unless (or until) you ask them out. And those opportunities are long past now.


    A confident guy surely believes he will succeed with women. That's true. But confidence comes from past success. If a guy has done nothing but failed over and over again, and suffered rejection after rejection, then he will lack confidence. And perhaps, rightfully so. If someone is constantly being rejected, then maybe there IS something wrong with the guy - not the women he is dealing with. Just a thought.

  10. While that is all mostly good and sensible advice, what if he does all of that and still cannot get women? What would you tell him then?


    I have learned how to do everything right and still cannot get women attracted to me. Sometimes, there comes a time when you cannot get women, regardless of what you do, due to your appearance.


    In that respect, the most common - yet ridiculous - thing that Kyo or guys like us will hear would be to give someone you are not attracted to a shot and settle. Bad advice generally, but it works if you're really desperate, I'd say.

  11. You know what I find interesting, Kyo, is that I too get accused all of sorts of things based on my posts, which have absolutely NO bearance on who I am as a person or who I am in person. It's amazing how people think they've got me so figured out, when in fact, they couldn't be farther from the truth!


    I could be a forty-five year old woman making these posts, for anyone knows.


    Anyway, I can relate to so many of your posts. People say, 'It's not looks, it's not looks...' whatever. Often times, looks are a huge factor... online dating sites confirm this, yours (and mine) real life experience CONFIRM this... (which, oddly, we're NOT supposed to go by? Huh?!! If we can't trust our OWN experience, whose CAN we trust?! And from such logical, intelligent people, I'd expect a better argument than that! Why should we trust what others say? Just because THEY say so? What insolence!) and heck, even attractive posters here admit to having no problem getting dates because they're so good looking! (Anyone who doubts me, I'll provide a link for, if you ask...) It's sad, it's unfair and it's tough luck for us. But it's the truth.


    People tell me not to be negative... but I'm simply being truthful. Should I stop being honest and start pretending like everything is fine? Hmph. For a group of logical, scientific, intellectuals, that sounds like pretty shifty logic and 'magical' thinking, if I've ever heard it!


    I'm not trying to make you feel worse, Kyo. Not in the slightest. But I am saying that I can relate to you on so many levels and I do understand where you are coming from. It is an emotionally crippling experience to be in this situation... and those who have never been in these shoes should not assume things.

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